Captures of Asiatic garden beetle (AGB) in our black light trap climbed this past week, with 300 adults caught between May 31 and June 3, 2024. We do not know if we have reached peak emergence yet for this sporadic pest. Johnny Parker (Commonwealth Gin) reported three Virginia seedling cotton fields with AGB injury so far this season, with defoliated areas reaching 2 acres. Check for these insects under weeds such as pigweed, marestail, or volunteer soybean–focus especially on sandy soils. You may see round adult emergence holes in the ground. Or, a visit to the field at night (when adult AGB are active) may confirm the problem.

In a June 4, 2024 Pest Alert, Dr. Dominic Reisig and Dr. Guy Collins (North Carolina State University) provide AGB scouting and management information which is also applicable for Virginia cotton growers. Contact insecticides would need to be applied during peak emergence, and at night.