Brown marmorated stink bug black light trap captures for week ending July 19, 2012

We had a high BMSB report from Petersburg this week, capturing nearly 20 BMSB per night in their black light trap. This trap is in a prime location for detecting brown marmorated stink bug, being within 100 feet from woods with tree of heaven at the edge, and next to an organic area with lots of weeds. Other reporting stations had zero to 2.5 BMSB per night. Please see the acknowledgments in my corn earworm moth trap report, they also apply to the BMSB reports; and please see the attached table for more trap catch details. Additional information: bmsb-blacklight-table-12-pdf

One thought on “Brown marmorated stink bug black light trap captures for week ending July 19, 2012

  1. Pingback: Does a Homemade Stink Bug Trap Really Work?

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