Peanut thrips update–still increasing

Unlike cotton where thrips pressure has peaked, numbers are still increasing in peanut. It is hard to compare the numbers we get in these two crops as we sample very different amounts of plant material. In cotton we sample whole plants, but in peanuts, only unopened terminal leaflets…where thrips concentrate their feeding. In untreated peanut plots, counts have gone from zero (May 17), to 7 (May 24), to 18 (May 30) per 10 leaflet sample. The result is not pretty with damage ratings reaching 5 to 6 on the 0-10 scale. Treatments are not keeping up, generally, and few are holding plants below a 2.0-3.0 on the scale which is where I think we need to be for plants to achieve potential yields. There are a few decent treatments and we plan to share these results in more detail at the June 5 tour, and at winter meetings.

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