Hi there!
I have been enjoying all of my visits that I have had so far this year. I have met and spoken with beekeeper associations, master gardeners at their annual college, growers, extension agents, and NRCS agents, as well as visit the capital to talk about protecting pollinators in Virginia. After the Virginia State Beekeepers Association meeting in Ferum, VA, I am gearing up for a visit to the North Carolina State Beekeepers Association’s annual meeting. As you may have figured out by now, a large part of my job is Extension. I am starting this blog as a way to establish an online Extension presence about bees in Virginia. I will work to post interesting, and hopefully useful, information here on a regular basis. Thanks for tuning in and I hope to see you back here soon.
James M. Wilson
Extension Apiculturalist
Department of Entomology
Virginia Tech