Thank you for your blog project request. Please fill out our Blog Request Form. (PLEASE NOTE: If you are requesting a topic page on the main VCE website, please use this survey instead.) This survey will help us evaluate if a blog is the best application for your needs or if another application may be better suited for your project. Also, if you haven’t done so already, please submit a job request to our jobs system with a basic outline/summary of your blog request. Keep in mind when requesting a job that blog projects typically take four weeks to complete. A timeline for your project will be determined at the time of job acceptance based on the amount of work required and the current workload of the web team.
If your blog request gets approved, you may be asked for additional information that is necessary for creating your blog. Included in this is selecting what template you wish to use for your blog. We currently have four templates available for Virginia Cooperative Extension blogs:
- Template 1: Standard Template
- Template 2: Standard with blog title above the image
- Template 3: Standard with no header image
- Template 4: Alternate template with two sidebars
Please consider which of these template’s visual styles you prefer and which templates best suit the content and style of your blog. We encourage you to browse other blogs while considering what template you wish to use.