Category Archives: Adovcacy

2015 ELC Grant Recipient, Pulaski County – Advocacy

The funds were used for two dinner meetings conducted by our ELC; the first occurred August 24 with our ELC, County Administrators and the Board of Supervisors.  At this meeting we opened discussions with folks asking what they knew of Extension and if they’ve used any of our services.  Responses were many from 4-H, ANR and FCS.  Discussions were very encouraging and several Board of Supervisors and ELC members asked for continuation and growth with several of our programming efforts.  The second dinner meeting occurred September 15 with our ELC and their families as part of our Annual ELC Meeting at Randolph Park.  ELC members were encouraged to bring their families, enjoy a good meal, have carefree discussions about Extension programming in our community and then talk a walk around the park.