Monthly Archives: January 2022

VCE – Vegetable Gardening Course

Are you interested in starting a vegetable garden this year? Or would you like to learn more about vegetable gardening? Growing your own food, using nature as a guide and incorporating sustainable practices is good for our bodies and good for the earth.

The Virginia Cooperative ExtensionPrince William unit is offering a vegetable Gardening Course this year.

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Helping Trees and Shrubs Recover From Snow and Ice

As a result of this Monday’s storm, has the wet snow splayed some of your shrubs or bent over your trees?

Here is some good information from our neighbors to the south at NC State Extension on how to help your shrubs and trees recover from the heavy snow load. (Click linked image below.)

Snow covered azaleas. 2022.01.03. Photo Credit: E.R. Olsen, Virginia Cooperative Extension.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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