Horticulture Helpline

A team of trained Master Gardeners are available to help answer gardening and pest questions, and solve problems using current research-based information.
By calling the helpline, you’ll find yourself in contact with someone who will help identify the cause of your problem, or give an answer to your question using Virginia Tech and Virginia State University’s experience and research knowledge. If the issue is addressed in one of our many factsheets, it will be sent to you for your reference.
You can reach the Horticulture Helpline by calling: (804) 501-5160.
The Henrico Master Gardener Associations website has a list of Frequently Asked Questions to the helpline that you can check.
Plant Clinics

We love to answer your gardening and plant questions at our plant clinics!
All season long, Henrico Master Gardeners make an appearance at garden centers, special events, farmers markets and the like. They are there to answer your questions, offer solutions you may not know about and get to know you. It’s free, it’s fun and it’s part of our mission to support our local community.
The easy access to the clinics gives everyone a chance to see and discuss actual problems, giving both the Master Gardeners and the public the opportunity to exchange valuable information. Get advice on pruning, vegetables, insects, lawns, trees and shrubs and lots more!
Check our calendar for plant clinics and special events!
Ask Extension
Ask an Expert offers one-to-one expert answers from the Henrico Extension Office staff. We answer questions on a variety of topics including gardening, horticulture, 4-H, families, childcare, managing money, forestry, natural resources, and many more. Use the form below to enter your question.
You can also submit pictures to help with answering your question.
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