Monthly Archives: September 2013

2013-14 Watershed Educators Institute

WEI brochure 2013-2014

Virginia 4-H in partnership with the DEQ have been awarded a grant from NOAA to train professionals to be Certified Watershed Educators. This grant will cover the fees and travel expenses for training for up to 10 Agents/4-H Center Program Directors and will also provide funding to conduct a meaningful watershed experience in your locality when the training is completed. Many of you are already doing good work in watershed education and this would be a perfect fit for you. I am sending this to both ANR and 4-H Agents as it may be appropriate for either. Selected participants will commit to completing 5 workshops which will be conducted over the next year and will take place in the James River Watershed area. The first workshop will be on October 25th at Camp Albemarle in Albemarle County. A brochure is attached which explains the institute in more detail with workshop dates and locations for your information. If you are applying to be selected for funding, please do NOT register directly by using the registration link on the brochure. In order to know who will receive support I will need to submit a separate list to DEQ of the ones participating. To apply for funding please complete the survey link below by Friday, October 4th. You will be notified by Wednesday, October 9th of your acceptance status.

Statewide CHARACTER COUNTS! Training

Registration is currently open for the Virginia 4-H CHARACTER COUNTS! Train the Trainer Training, October 16-18, 2013 at Embassy Suites hotel in Richmond, Virginia.

This training will prepare participants to teach youth principled reasoning and ethical decision making skills based on the six pillars of character.  It will also prepare participants to work with other adults in their schools and communities to incorporate CHARACTER COUNTS! into the school day and after school activities and throughout the community. In addition, participants will learn how the values represented by the six pillars are revealed in the lives of children, and the adults who work with them. Through hands-on strategies for teaching and reinforcing these values, participants will learn successful tips on how to integrate Character Counts! throughout their 4-H program, school, and community to make the message permanent and pervasive. Nationally certified Character Counts! trainers will conduct these trainings.

The cost for the training is $150.00 for non-VCE employees and includes lodging, breakfast, lunch and snacks, and Character Counts! training curriculum for ages 4-teens.  There is no fee for VCE employees.  For participants not spending the night, the cost for the training is $125.00. Please contact Dr. Tonya Price for more details and for the registration form.  Please submit your registration form to Katie Lafon on or before Wednesday, September 25, 2013.

Please advertise this training to others who might be interested in participating – School Board office administrators, principals, guidance counselors, teachers, DARE and Resource officers, 4-H Volunteers, Recreation Department, Juvenile Judges, Juvenile Probation, Juvenile Detention Centers, Church youth leaders or teachers, home school groups, Chamber of Commerce, Crime Prevention Officers, Scouts, Day Care, and other community leaders and volunteers who may be interested.

We look forward to seeing you at the training in October!

Final ES-237 Reports Due November 1, 2013

Because we are holding ACCESS 4-H trainings the second week in October, final year-end ES-237 reports won’t be due until close of business on November 1, 2013.  Please note that you do not need to submit anything to Tonya Price. Since this is an online program,  Tonya can access your report by logging into ACCESS 4-H and selecting your unit.  If your report will not be ready by 5:00 PM on November 1, please let the State 4-H Office know as Tonya will be on maternity leave at that time.  If you are having technical difficulties with the program, please contact Meredith Muckerman with National 4-H Council at 301-961-2829 or Please note that it is the 4-H Agent’s (or whoever is in charge of the 4-H program) responsibility to review the final report for accuracy.  As always, if you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact Tonya or the State 4-H Office.