Volunteers are an integral part of Virginia Cooperative Extension and allow us to extend our educational and outreach efforts. All Virginia Cooperative Extension volunteers are required to complete the application, screening, and enrollment process. The Virginia Cooperative Extension enrollment forms have been updated and posted on the public website and intranet. Please use the updated forms when enrolling and re-enrolling volunteers.
The “Recommended Use of VCE Volunteer Application/Enrollment Forms” tip sheet can assist you in determining which enrollment form to use. All volunteers must complete an enrollment or re-enrollment form ANNUALLY, along with a Standards of Behavior for Virginia 4-H Adult Volunteers and 4-H Adult Health History if working with youth. Master Volunteer programs have their own program specific enrollment and re-enrollment forms.
Please visit the Volunteer Development page on the intranet for Volunteer Development Updates, guidelines, and resources. Additional updates, including progress on the Volunteer Background Screening Process, will be posted and distributed soon.
Updated Volunteer Enrollment Forms are now posted the VCE Publication Page under commonly used forms. – http://www.pubs.ext.vt.edu/category/volunteer-forms.html
Updated 4-H Volunteer Enrollment Forms are also posted on the Virginia 4-H commonly used forms page. – http://www.4-h.ext.vt.edu/forms/index.html
Volunteer Development Intranet resources. – http://www.intra.ext.vt.edu/support/volunteer/index.html
Thank you,