Virginia 4-H: Making the Future

There has been a resurgence in the do-it-yourself (DIY) culture around the world, and it is finding a home in Virginia 4-H. The Make Movement encompasses unique solutions to problems through “tinkering, “individual planning, and group collaboration. Examples of some of the areas include modifying homemade objects by repurposing, reusing, and upcycling; fabricating scientific equipment to participate in citizen science; self-publishing books and records, and employing shortcuts or novel methods to increase productivity. 4-H has engaged youth in making since its beginnings in 1902 with a wide variety of projects – sewing, quilting, gardening, woodworking, and many others, all examples of DIY. Making is inherent to 4-H, both historically and culturally, it is deeply embedded in diverse and engaging projects in which 4-H youth participate each year. The Make Education movement capitalizes on “thinking with the hands through a hands-on, minds-on, design-based learning approach that integrates science, art, technology, math, and engineering. 4-H youth of all ages and across all delivery modes have become engaged in this revitalized movement.
( Worker & Ambrose, 2013)

In Virginia, 4-H has provided professional development trainings to 4-H Agents in collaboration with ICAT (Institute of Creativity, Arts and Technology), on Virginia Tech’s campus, and at the 4-H Symposium in November, 2013. Funding from Cognizant Solutions, Inc. provided an opportunity to develop and pilot a co-curricular 4-H Maker program in Hanover County, Virginia, expanding an interest in a mini program started out of local interest. At the end of this learning experience, participating youth were additionally funded by Cognizant to attend and train others in the Youth Pavilion at the World Maker Faire in New York City.

A second statewide maker training using kits that are being piloted in March and will be created for agent check out occur as a pre-conference training on May 20, 2014 before the 2014 VESA Meeting at the W.E. Skelton Center, Wirtz, Va. A “Maker” from the grant, a coordinator of the kits, and two electrical engineering graduate students from Virginia Tech will provide support to the 10:00 AM- 9 PM Training on May 20th. The evening session will be an exploration of kits with folks available to answer questions on ways to deepen learning and assist in developing plans for your locality.

Thoughts and Comments on the Make Movement and California 4-H
May 9, 2013. Steven Worker ( and Andrea Ambrose (

4-H Volunteer Forms Updated

Volunteers are an integral part of Virginia Cooperative Extension and allow us to extend our educational and outreach efforts. All Virginia Cooperative Extension volunteers are required to complete the application, screening, and enrollment process. The Virginia Cooperative Extension enrollment forms have been updated and posted on the public website and intranet. Please use the updated forms when enrolling and re-enrolling volunteers.

The “Recommended Use of VCE Volunteer Application/Enrollment Forms” tip sheet can assist you in determining which enrollment form to use. All volunteers must complete an enrollment or re-enrollment form ANNUALLY, along with a Standards of Behavior for Virginia 4-H Adult Volunteers and 4-H Adult Health History if working with youth. Master Volunteer programs have their own program specific enrollment and re-enrollment forms.

Please visit the Volunteer Development page on the intranet for Volunteer Development Updates, guidelines, and resources. Additional updates, including progress on the Volunteer Background Screening Process, will be posted and distributed soon.

Updated Volunteer Enrollment Forms are now posted the VCE Publication Page under commonly used forms.

Updated 4-H Volunteer Enrollment Forms are also posted on the Virginia 4-H commonly used forms page.

Volunteer Development Intranet resources.

Thank you,

VAA4-HVL Spring Leaders Conference

March 29-30, 2014
Mimslyn Inn, Luray, VA

VAA4HVL LogoJoin the Virginia Association of Adult Volunteer Leader’s for the 2014 Spring Conference in Luray, Virginia. Participants will have the opportunity to attend educational workshops, educational EdVentures, and much more! The VAA4-HVL Conference offers diverse learning experiences with other volunteers from across the Commonwealth. Most importantly, the conference is also great place to network and share information, programs, and ideas with participants from other 4-H Programs. Plan to attend and start recruiting volunteers to come with you! Registration deadline is March 14, 2014 to avoid a $15 late fee. Registration form, draft schedule, description of EdVentures, and scholarship information can be found by clicking the link below.

VAA4HVL Spring 2014 Conference Registration Form

Schedule Draft


VAA4HVL Spring 2014 Conference Registration Form


The 4-H Volunteerism eConference
The 2014 Volunteerism eConference focusing on the Volunteer Engagement and Activation Resources (VEAR) Pilot project is slated for March 20 and 27. Four forty-five minute sessions will be delivered each day via Adobe Connect, with a short break in between each session.

This is a great opportunity to become familiar with the National 4-H Volunteer Recruitment Toolkit. The Volunteer Engagement & Activation Resources (VEAR) materials including recruitment flyer, print ads, videos, brochures, etc. can be accessed online at

Thursday March 20, 2014
Session One: 12:00 – 12:45 PM
Overview of Volunteerism and Future Directions – The purpose of the VEAR pilots

Session Two: 1:15 – 2:00 PM
VEAR Corporate #1 Site Presentation

Session Three: 2:30 – 3:15 PM
Developing and Communicating Clearly Defined Roles for Volunteers

Session Four: 3:45 – 4:30 PM
VEAR Corporate Site #2

Thursday March 27, 2014
Session Five: 12:00 – 12 :45 PM
Recruiting Strategies for Diverse Volunteers

Session Six: 1:15 – 2:00 PM
Special Interest Groups – Episodic

Session Seven: 2:30 – 3:15 PM
Teens as Teachers

Session Eight: 3:45 – 4:30 PM
Putting It All Together

4-H Summer and School Year Hosting Opportunities

Applications are currently being accepted for 4-H International Summer Hosting Opportunities.  The month-long summer stay possibilities include hosting students from Argentina, Finland and Japan.  In addition, individuals interested in hosting an international student for an entire school year beginning Fall of 2014 can apply as well.  New links have been added to the Virginia 4-H International website with more information on these programs.  Please share with potential host families in your units.  Direct access to the link is:

Thank you for your support of this 4-H Citizenship Program.


North Central Region 4-H Volunteer e-Forum
The North Central Region 4-H Volunteer e-Forum will consist of four volunteer leader training webinars. The format allows Extension offices to host facilitated discussions locally while participating in the live webinar. Host Site Facilitator Guides will be posted on the website one month in advance of each session. Each live webinar will be held 8:00 – 9:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Recordings of the sessions will also be posted for those unable to participate during the live session. Visit the North Central Region 4-H Volunteer Development website for full session descriptions, customizable promotional flyer, host site facilitator guides, and archived sessions from the 2011 e-Forum.

You’ve Got 4-H Parents! Now What??
Access the recording of this session at:

Engaging Teens & Older Youth
Access the recording of this session at:

Tuesday, January 14, 2014 – Using Technology to Enhance Your 4-H Experience

Monday, February 3, 2014 – Exploring the Science of 4-H Projects
Register here:

Volunteer Screening Update

Volunteer Background Screening Update

Virginia Cooperative Extension is continuing to work with departments across the Virginia Tech campus to finalize a formal policy and procedure for  background screening for  current volunteers and volunteer applicants. As efforts progress, Virginia Cooperative Extension continues to encourage background screening for volunteers that work with vulnerable populations including youth, seniors, individuals with special needs, volunteers handling funds, and volunteers transporting participants in vehicles. These volunteers generally complete the Volunteer Enrollment/Application Long Form VA-114 and reference checks are conducted as part of the initial application process.  Units should continuing  screening volunteers as they have done in previous years. These efforts may include using local county/city resources to conduct criminal history screenings if available.

At this point the background screening is suggested as stated above and will  become mandatory sometime in the near future.  We are still waiting for University Council to come out with the official policy/process.

If units do not have access through the locality to run a background screening, there is an opportunity to conduct the check through the portal available in the State 4-H Office.  Sam Fisher is the current contact to work out how to complete a screening. Cost for screening is $10 each and may be paid by the volunteer, unit or combination.  It is an online process that allows the volunteer to enter the information directly and results are received within 36 hours.  This helps address the security of the sensitive information and has a quick turn- around time.

National 4-H History Preservation Program

The history of 4-H is one of the most significant and far-reaching stories in America: a story of youth education, community pride and responsibility, personal leadership, and volunteerism. Truly unique – born at the grassroots level and involving special public-private partnerships at the local, state and national levels – it represents the very essence of America’s growth.

Over a century since it began, 4-H continues to thrive and expand today as one of America’s foremost youth development initiatives. While constantly continuing to change in support of the evolving needs of young people today, most of the original concepts and philosophies – the proven strengths – remain unchanged.

There is no better guide toward our future than to learn from and build upon our past. The primary purpose of this 4-H History Preservation website is to provide a central resource on 4-H history, particularly at the national level.