Category Archives: Environmental

Riven Rock State Park-Stream Study

Just because school is out doesn’t mean the fun and education has to stop!  On Monday & Tuesday Mountain View Elementary Summer School and Rockingham 4-H Education visited Riven Rock State Park to learn about water quality and the macroinvertebrate that lives in it.  The water was a little cold at first but by the end the adults had trouble getting the kids to get out of the water because they were having so much fun.


Think this looks fun?  Well it IS!  Contact Rockingham 4-H Education to set up a visit to your local stream or river.  We have all the supplies!

Fun with the Enviroscape Model!


This week I visited Lacey Spring Elementary to teach 1st grade students about water quality using the Enviroscape Model.  Students have the opportunity to interact with the model by helping me “pollute” the community and see the negative effects it has on water quality.  Students reviewed the following points during the lesson:

  • compare and contrast ways of conserving resources. This includes recycling, reusing, and reducing consumption of natural resources.
  • classify factors that affect air and water quality.
  • describe ways students and schools can help improve water and air quality in our communities.
  • determine some basic factors that affect water quality by conducting simple investigations in the school environment. Students should be able to make and record observations of what happens to runoff water on rainy days. (Related to 1.3.)
  • predict what would happen if natural resources were used up, and explain ways to prevent this from happening.

The Enviroscape Model lesson is available to Pre-K through 12th grades and is a great interactive way to teach your students about the water cycle, erosion, weathering, pollution, recycling, water quality, and the Chesapeake Bay watershed.  If you are interested in having 4-H come into your classroom to present on this topic please contact us!