All of us are aware of how, in many of our communities, VCE has become a less well known entity over time. For a long time we have recognized that we need to do a better job marketing and promoting our agency, its people, and our impacts within the communities that we work! Perhaps one small way to help market VCE in our communities is through the use of VCE car magnets like in the image below.
What do you think of this marketing tool? What are the benefits and the downsides of their use? Would you use them on your vehicle when you are out on VCE business? If not, why?
— Joe Hunnings
I think they look great! I might use them on my old Explorer that has 170,000+ miles on it, if I were allowed to leave them on all the time. It would be too much trouble to take them off and on every day and I already have enough stuff to lug around. If I had a new vehicle, I probably wouldn’t use them at all, as the sun would fade the paint unevenly. They are a great idea – we just need state vehicles to put them on! (We could have a state vehicle per planning district or shared among several counties.)
State vehicles with a permanent VCE logo would definitely be best, but not likely in near future.Thanks for the feedback.
The magnets do help put VCE’s name and logo before the public; however, using them on personal vehicles should be voluntary because their use addresses specific and local issues. For example, the unit in Loudoun did not adopt the name VCE-Loudoun Office until a year ago; in conversations and discussions with county government leaders the unit was (and is) referred to as County Extension, Loudoun Extension, or Loudoun Extension Services. Applying the VCE magnets helps reinforce that the unit is VCE-Loudoun Office. Worse, the general public has no idea that the unit or VCE exists by any name so branding is an uphill struggle.
A few pros relating to using the magnets:
– They assure customers who I am meeting for the first time, as I drive up to their remote house, that I am the person who they expected for an appointment.
– To some extent, they suggest to neighbors that as I slow to read mailbox numbers, that I have an official purpose for being on the their backroad.
– Parking the car strategically at an event with magnets displayed helps communicate that VCE is present.
– If I take a photo of the car displaying magnets at an event, I can post the image on Facebook or Twitter.
Some shortcomings:
– I have to be aware of my driving manners; this is especially so on I-81.
– The magnets get dirty and have to be cleaned by hand.
– You can argue that they scratch the car’s paint (no worse that the branches along the rural roads but . . .)
– If you use them, expect to be razzed by peers as an Extension Two Shoes or a VCE Do-Bee.
– Some people might say we don’t have VCE budget problems if we have organization cars; we don’t – but the magnets suggest otherwise.
– Lastly, establishing the VCE identity in a county can go too far. Think about using the county’s crest too.
Thanks Jim,
Good analysis of the pros and cons.
Recently, we had a workshop with some guests from WSU. They happened to mention a vehicle wrap they put on an F250, they purchased from Gov Surplus, say wrap was cheaper than a new paint job. Sounds like it also gets some attention as an advertisement, etc. for their services. Pics at:
My guess would be some folks have done this or explored this in our region too. I’d be curious to hear the feedback received, costs, etc. Little bit different than a magnet maybe on a personal vehicle, but same general strategy.
I don’t know anything about the “wrap.” Maybe others do.
I think this is a decent idea, especially on state vehicles. My personal vehicle is a “bit rough” and so may not be the image we want to project
Or maybe that “working man’s” vehicle is exactly what we want people to know about us!