Spring Venture Outdoors Series

2015 PSA

by: Jason Fisher, Sr. Extension Agent/Forestry

and Natural Resources


Attention Landowners!  Are you a forest landowner wishing to know more about hot topics regarding forested land in only a day? If so, then you need to register today for the Venture Outdoors program!

What? : Each year we at Virginia Cooperative Extension offer a number of landowner workshops that have topics of interest based on research and issues impacting our forestland to include invasive plant and insect species management, tree identification, and timber stand improvement techniques for hardwoods and pine. Partnering with state, federal and private expertise provides a reliable program the public has come to depend on. All classes have similar topics in nature.


When and Where? : Brunswick County  (April 24) SVCC Alberta Campus, Bedford County (May 8) Claytor Nature Center and Halifax County (May 15) Halifax Extension Office. Detailed classroom locations are noted on the attached registration sheet.

If you are concerned about the health of your existing and planned forestland, then this is a must class to gain sound advice from experts in the field of natural resources.  Class size is limited to the first 25 registrants so register early!

NOTE: Registration is FREE due to sponsor donations, however attendance confirmation is crucial to classroom and field tour planning. Lunch is provided and the day will consist of morning classroom, lunch, then afternoon field tour (dress for the weather). Visit http://offices.ext.vt.edu/halifax/ for a registration brochure soon, or call 434-476-2147 or patsyp@vt.edu to obtain a brochure to pre-register. Registration deadline will be two weeks prior to the event listed.


For additional program information details, contact Jason Fisher, Extension Agent ANR, Forestry and Natural Resources at (434) 476-2147 or jasonf@vt.edu . See you there!


If you are a person with a disability and desire any assistance or accommodations, please notify the VCE- Halifax County Office at 434-476-2147 at least one week prior to the scheduled event.



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