Tag Archives: biosolids

Biosolids Information


tractor_biosolids_spreadWith the recent interest in land application of biosolids in Lunenburg County, I wanted to pass along the information Virginia Cooperative Extension has available regarding the use of biosolids on agricultural land regarding the practice and its safety. The publications are from 2009, but still give a great overview of the major questions and concerns.

Virginia Cooperative Extension Publications

1. Production and Characteristics of Biosolids
2. Regulations
3. Managing Biosolids for Ag Use
4. Risks and Concerns
Other Resources

The EPA website for biosolids information:  http://water.epa.gov/polwaste/wastewater/treatment/biosolids/index.cfm

The DEQ website for biosolids information: http://www.deq.virginia.gov/Programs/Water/LandApplicationBeneficialReuse/LandApplication.aspx

Also, the Virginia Biosolids Council, though obviously in favor of biosolids, does provide some good resources and links to other resources for the general public through their website: http://www.virginiabiosolids.com/