Tag Archives: field day

The First Two Weeks of November!

Don’t miss out on the great events happening the next two weeks!

Wed. November 5

FarmLogic Flyer    –     Blackstone, VA
Farm recordkeeping made easy! This program is geared towards Tobacco GAP compliance but should be a great overview of digital recordkeeping for anyone interested. You can learn more about the FarmLogic at their website: http://www.farmlogic.com/

Greenhouse Energy Efficiency Update Flyer     –     Blackstone, VA
Get caught up on the latest of how to make your greenhouse more energy efficient as well as how take advantage of energy efficiency funding and programs.


Thurs. November 6

Ginger & Turmeric Day     –    Petersburg, VA
Learn about ginger and turmeric production in this two-hour workshop at Virginia State University!

Halifax Tobacco Field Day Flyer
    –    Halifax, VA

This field day will focus on energy efficiency in curing as well as the importance of cover crops for the winter months.


Tues. & Wed. November 11-12

Getting Started in the Greenhouse Business School Flyer     –     Blackstone, VA

For those interested in starting a greenhouse enterprise. Check it out!

Dairy Forage Field Days

Forage Meeting-May 14th at 1:30-4 at the Charlotte County Extension Office and May 15th, 9-11:30 at Ameva Farm in Amelia. This meeting is primarily geared towards dairy forages but may benefit anyone who works with silage or haylage. If you are interested in EITHER date, please call (804 561 2481) or email (laurab08@vt.edu). Please RSVP in advance so that we can notify you of any changes-in the event of heavy rain, the Amelia event may be moved to the Extension office.

Dairy Forage Meetings (2)