Tag Archives: heifer sale virginia

Upcoming Heifer Sales

The 14th Annual Amelia Area Cattlemen’s Fall Bred Heifer Sale will take place on April 12th at Knoll Crest Farm in Red House, Virginia. The sale will take place around 2 PM following the KCF Spring Bull Sale. Previews of the over 70 VPAH+ “Heifers by Design” offered by consignors:

Sale Preview Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Qd1_2fN_lU

Sale Preview Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPENocGLFEM


For more information about Amelia Area Cattlemen or to see the complete sale details, visit http://www.aacattle.com/. For information about the Knoll Crest Farm Spring Bull Sale, visit http://www.knollcrestfarm.com/.


The Buckingham Cattlemen’s Association’s Spring Bred Heifer and Cow sale will take place at 7 PM on April 25 at the  Lynchburg Livestock Market. Catalog and videos will be ready soon, so keep checking the website: www.buckinghamcattlemensassociation.org