4-H WHEP Contest

Dear VCE Staff:

The Virginia 4-H WHEP (Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Contest) will be held October 19, 2013 at the New Kent Forestry Center, Providence Forge, VA
WHEP is an outstanding program that teaches youth skills related to wildlife and habitat management.
More information on the 4-H WHEP program can be found at http://www.4-h.ext.vt.edu/programs/nree/whep/index.html
Please share this with any members or volunteers who may be interested in starting a WHEP program in your county or who are currently participating in the program.
If you are interested in learning more about the WHEP program we would love to have you come be a volunteer at the contest.

 Kelly Mallory
Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development
P.O. Box 10, Madison, VA 22727
Phone (540)948-6881
FAX (540)948-6883
Email: malloryk@vt.edu
Madison 4-H News

We are located on Main Street in the War Memorial Building, 2nd Floor
4-H — Head, Heart, Hands and Health

4-H Foundation Board Member Inspires Camp Staff

Mary Miller inspiring the Virginia Camp Staff of 2013

Mary Miller inspiring the Virginia Camp Staff of 2013

Mary Miller is president and founder of Interactive Design and
Development, Inc., a successful, award-winning information technology
firm in Blacksburg, Va.. She received both her master of information
science as well as her doctorate in instructional design from Virginia
Tech.   A Board member of the 4-H Foundation and strong supporter of the camping program, Mary  worked at camp at the Southwest Virginia 4-H Educational Center early in her career.  Her camp name was ‘Meatloaf’ Mary and she taught crafts and worked in the kitchen.

Mary served as the inspirational speaker for the 2013 State 4-H Camp Staff Training which encompasses all six 4-H Center staffs (over 85 total).  Relating to the role of camp staffer, Mary reiterated the importance of the journey they were about to embark on for the summer.   Sharing stories from her time on staff,  she recalled the faces, smiles, and laughter that to this day still bring her joy!

“You are so very special!  You have been given an opportunity that only a few are afforded, the opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of thousands of children throughout the summer.  Some of these children have never been away from home, some have never swam in a pool, others will experience the pure joy  of play for the first time.  They will look to you, camp counselors, for guidance and  enthusiasm,” said ‘Meatloaf” Mary.

Camp Counselors do Make a Difference:

Thank you Mary Miller for sharing, caring and inspiring!

Win Iden is recipient of the Northern Virginia 4-H Educational Center’s President’s Award 2013

Robert F. Kube, Board President of the Northern Virginia 4-H Educational Center presented Win Iden with the President’s Award for Excellence at the Annual Board Meeting and Banquet in April.

The President’s award was started by John Mayhugh several years ago when he was Board President to acknowledge outstanding service by a 4-H Center Employee.   The individual needs to show initiative and interest in the 4-H Center and a willingness to go the second mile of the way when needed.  The individual recognized needs to be cooperative, have good work habits, have a good attitude and be willing to work with all 4-H Center departments.

Win camped at this 4-H Center as a 4-H’er and also served as a teen leader for Warren County 4-H camp.  After graduation from college,  he  worked in the Warren County Extension Office as an Extension Technician from 2001 – 2005.  Win served as Program Director at the Southwest 4-H Educational Center in Abingdon from 2005 – 2010.  He returned to the Northern Virginia 4-H Educational Center to serve as Program Director in 2010.

Congratulations Win!

Photo: Win and his mentor, Sam.  He won the President's award tonight and she was there to see it! :)

               Win with his mentor Sam Fisher at the Awards Banquet


2013 State Livestock Judging Contest

The information for the 2013 State 4-H Livestock Judging Contest has been posted to the 4-H Youth Livestock web site (www.ext.vt.edu/youthlivestock).

This year’s contest will be held on June 26th at the Alphin Stuart Livestock Arena in Blacksburg, VA. Entry forms are due by Friday, June 7th.  Registration fees for this year’s contest will be $12/person.

We look forward to seeing everyone there.


Joi D. Saville
Extension Associate
362 Litton Reaves Hall (0306)
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0306
540-231-3010 (fax)

2013 Virginia 4-H Foundation Innovative Programming Awards

We are pleased to announce the 2013 Virginia 4-H Foundation Innovative Programming Awards program. The Virginia 4-H Foundation Innovative Programming Awards will be awarded on a competitive basis to ten 4-H faculty. Each award will be $1,000 and will be used to develop and implement innovative 4-H programming efforts. In addition, the selected faculty members will be assigned an iPad. Previous iPad recipients will have the option to select another piece of supporting technology equipment at the same or lower cost of an iPad. It is expected that iPad or other technology equipment will be incorporated into the proposed innovative program. Training will be provided in the use of the technology. All 4-H faculty members are eligible to apply including 4-H center faculty.

Applications will be accepted through June 5, 2013 and the awards will be presented at State 4-H Congress.

Faculty receiving awards will be expected to submit a story and 4 pictures to the VCE Success site summarizing program outcomes/impacts, and technology usage related to the funded program.

4-H Foundation Innovative Programming Award Application 2013

 Submit one-page application to Cathy Sutphin at cmsutph@vt.edu by June 5, 2013.

Faculty name(s):


4-H Foundation Account Name (where the award will be transferred):

Name of the proposed project:

Narrative outlining the proposed project:  include need, implementation plans, proposed partners, target audience, any funds that will be leveraged, anticipated outcomes, and a proposed evaluation plan.

What are your ideas concerning the incorporation of ipad technology within this program and other programming efforts in your unit?

2013 Virginia 4-H Foundation After-School Innovative Programming Awards

We are pleased to announce the 2013 Virginia 4-H Foundation After-School Innovative Programming Awards program. The Virginia 4-H Foundation After-School Innovative Programming Awards will be awarded on a competitive basis to ten 4-H faculty. Each award will be $1,000 and will be used to develop and implement innovative 4-H programming efforts in an after-school setting. All 4-H faculty members are eligible to apply including 4-H center faculty. The money used to support this program was made available through the National 4-H Council partnership with JC Penny stores in Virginia.

Applications will be accepted through June 5, 2013 and the awards will be presented at State 4-H Congress.

Faculty receiving awards will be expected to submit a story and 4 pictures to the VCE Success site summarizing program outcomes/impacts related to the funded program.

4-H Foundation Innovative After-School Programming Award Application


 Submit one-page application to Cathy Sutphin at cmsutph@vt.edu by June 5, 2013.

Faculty name(s):


4-H Foundation Account Name (where the award will be transferred):

Name of the proposed project:

Narrative outlining the proposed project:  include need, implementation plans, proposed partners, target audience, any funds that will be leveraged, anticipated outcomes, and a proposed evaluation plan.


Virginia 4-H/Dominion Electric Energy Innovative Program Awards

Energy focused STEM Innovative Programming Awards:  Eight $1,000 Awards will be presented during the 2013 State 4-H Congress

Project Partners:

  • The Dominion Foundation
  • Virginia 4-H & Virginia 4-H Foundation


To create an ongoing, high quality, statewide, electric energy program, which builds upon the existing 4-H electric project, Virginia 4-H needs to create additional opportunities for increased knowledge, life skill development, and career awareness. Dominion power is investing $10,000 in the development of a more comprehensive Virginia 4-H energy program.


Faculty members are encouraged to develop programs covering energy, electrical safety, energy careers, and energy conservation.

A request for proposals, for eight $1,000 programming awards, will be distributed to the 107 county/city 4-H programs statewide in addition to the six 4-H educational centers located across the state. The top eight submissions will each receive $1,000 to develop and implement the program outlined in their application. It is also acceptable for two agents in a district to partner in developing a program and thus receive $2,000. Upon completion of the project, the award winning programs will be showcased during State 4-H Congress and Virginia Cooperative Extension’s annual in-service conference. This will provide an avenue to encourage adoption of new programming ideas by other agents.

In addition, funds will be provided to a team of agents and specialists resulting in the development of the Virginia 4-H Electric Challenge competition. In addition, funds will be provided to a team of agents and specialists to develop the Virginia

4-H Electric Challenge, designed to be an annual event.  $2,000 will be used to aid in the development of project materials, competition guidelines, an incentive plan, and conducting of the first Virginia  4-H Electric Challenge. This contest will be designed to give 4-H members enrolled in the 4-H Electric program an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of energy, careers related to energy, the efficient use of electricity, care, maintenance, and safety of electrical equipment and apparatus found in the home. It is anticipated that the contest would include: a written examination; the identification of electrical equipment and/or parts of the equipment that are found in the home, including electrical and electronic symbols; a practical wiring exercise; and a demonstration/illustrated talk.  Those interested in serving on the state development team, please submit your name and why you are interested to Cathy Sutphin by June 5, 2013.

4-H Foundation/Dominion Energy Focused STEM Grants

To apply, submit one-page application to Cathy Sutphin at cmsutph@vt.edu by June 5, 2013.  Faculty members are encouraged to develop programs covering energy, electrical safety, energy careers, and energy conservation. Award winners will be required to submit a summary of work completed along with pictures.

Faculty name(s):


4-H Foundation Account Name (where the award will be transferred):

Name of the proposed project:

Narrative outlining the proposed project:  include need, implementation plans, proposed partners, target audience, any funds that will be leveraged, anticipated outcomes, and a proposed evaluation plan.


Congress Hero Program Reminder

In an effort to ensure that State 4-H Congress is affordable for all teens wishing to attend, the State 4-H Office and the Virginia 4-H Foundation propose the use of the “Congress Heroes” program. Through this program, youth will share information with corporate and private partners to help generate funds to support Virginia 4-H as well as providing an avenue for 4-Hers to have their Congress registration fee sponsored. 4-Hers interested in attending State 4-H Congress are encouraged to ask friends, family, and businesses to become a “Congress Hero”. Their tax deductible donation will help provide Virginia teens the opportunity to learn about leadership, citizenship, and life skills through innovative workshops, dynamic speakers, competitive events, service learning, and a college fair. Small donations can make a big difference. If a 4-Her is successful in securing $200.00 in Heroes sponsorships, the 4-Her will only have to pay half of the registration fee for State 4-H Congress. Those who secure $250.00 or more in Clover sponsorships will not have to pay any registration fee to attend State 4-H Congress. Prizes will be awarded at Congress for top Congress 4-H earners.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the state 4-H office.