We have a fantastic day tour of several Mt. Jackson/Timberville area fruit operations scheduled for Wednesday, July 13, 2016. The tour will include orchards, a retail market, a packing operation, a processing operation, a cidery, a catered lunch, and dinner. We plan to arrange a coach for participants traveling from the Winchester area. There will also be other transportation and carpooling options planned as the need dictates. If you are interested in this day tour, please complete the registration on the attached brochure and send in the registration fee of $35.00/each by July 1, 2016. Timberville VA Tour
Feel free to contact me for additional information or any clarifications.
We continue to thank our Tree Fruit Program Sponsors for making this educational tour possible:
Adams County Nursery, Inc.
Andros Foods North America
Bank of Clarke County
BASF Technical Service
Certis USA, LLC
Crop Production Services
DuPont Crop Protection
First Bank & Trust Company
Frederick County Fruit Growers Association
Gowan Company, LLC
Helena Chemical Company
Knouse Foods Co-Op., Inc.
MidAtlantic Farm Credit, FLCA
Southern States
The Valley Fertilizer & Chemical Company, Inc.
True North Foliar
Valent U.S.A. Corporation
Virginia Farm Bureau
Winchester Equipment Company
Mark Sutphin
Associate Extension Agent | Agriculture and Natural Resources, Horticulture | Unit Coordinator (Frederick)
Serving the counties of Frederick, Clarke, Page, Shenandoah, & Warren
Virginia Cooperative Extension – Frederick County Office | 107 North Kent Street | Winchester, VA 22601
Phone – 540.665.5699 | Fax – 540.722.8380 | Cell – 540.398.8148 | Email – mark.sutphin@vt.edu
http://offices.ext.vt.edu/frederick/ | http://vacoopext.blogspot.com/