Please find below an email I received from Mr. Dudley Dabbs (Fine Americas, Inc.) regarding mixing Kudos in the spray tank with Ca products.
“For years, Fine has cautioned against using Calcium containing formulations in the spray tank with Kudos PGR. The attached data (below) indicates that when using a (more expensive) highly complexed or Chelated Calcium product that has NO Free Calcium in it’s formulation may be mixed with Kudos PGR effectively. In addition, the attached data indicates that using a Calcium product with Free calcium in the formulation Mixed in the spray tank with Kudos will render Kudos ineffective as a PGR. IT WILL NOT WORK.
Please NOTE: This data is specific to KUDOS and does not include other Prohexadione Calcium formulations such as APOGEE. APOGEE and Kudos formulations are not the same. They are different from each other and you should NOT make the assumption that certain Complex Calcium Formulations that work OK with Kudos may NOT WORK OK with APOGEE”.
Here are the powerpoint slides showing results of Kudos and Ca tank mixes on pear

Sherif M. Sherif, Assistant ProfessorVirginia Tech, School of Plant and Environmental Sciences, AHS Jr. Agricultural Research and Extension Center
595 Laurel Grove Road, Winchester, VA 22602
Tel. 540-232-6035; Email: