A message from Dr. Srdjan Acimovic:
In any apple trees blocks still at bloom (young planted trees, and any orchards with rat tail bloom): fire blight infections have occurred on 5/3 in or around Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Wakefield and on 5/2 and 5/3 in Red Hill, and in Red Hill and Wakefield the infection will occur again tomorrow 5/4 and 5/5. Please examine attached NEWA EIP print screens. Protect by applying 1.5 lbs/A Harbour or Agri-Mycin plus Regulaid 1 pt/100 gal, before rain/dew triggering infection or up to 24 h after that rain, on any apple tees in bloom. You can still apply 5/3 for infection that occurred on 5/2. If you did not protect against the infection/s on 5/2 apply Apogee at 12 oz/100 Gal as soon as you can, best 1-3 days after infection event that you did not apply streptomycin for. Use of Apogee for and unprotected infections beyond the 24 h after infection has occurred will help you prevent fire blight cankers to develop from the currently incubating infections.