With the high daily temperatures we’re experiencing this week, the degree days for Gala and most other apple cultivars in the Winchester/Frederick County area will likely reach the 200DD mark today. This signals the optimal timing for chemical fruit thinning using 6-BA-carbaryl and NAA-carbaryl mixes. I utilized the carbohydrate thinning model on NEWA (https://newa.cornell.edu/apple-carbohydrate-thinning), based on a green tip date of March 7 and full bloom date of April 14 for Gala in my location. The model indicates a severe carbohydrate deficiency, which is very conducive to thinning conditions. It also recommends reducing the chemical thinning materials by 15% compared to standard rates. Please refer to my previous posts ((https://blogs.ext.vt.edu/tree-fruit-horticulture/2024/04/18/apple-fruit-thinning-general-notes-and-specific-recommendations-for-central-virginia/) for the standard rates I’ve recommended and adjust your calculations accordingly. You have a four-day window (April 30 to May 3) to complete your thinning applications. The temperatures over the next few days are expected to be above 80 degrees Fahrenheit, which is ideal for both the uptake and activity of 6-BA and NAA products.