Upcoming Meetings — Winchester

From Mark Sutphin, VCE:

Just a quick reminder that our next Commercial Fruit Meeting is scheduled for this Thursday, May 24th at 7:00pm.  The meeting will be held at the Alson H. Smith AREC at 595 Laurel Grove Road, Winchester, VA.  Drs. Chris Bergh and Shimat Joseph will be presenting “All Bugs Considered”.   There will also be pathology and horticulture updates along with time for questions and discussion.

You should find a memo attached concerning two summer In-Orchard Twilight Meetings.  Please reserve the evening of Thursday, July 12th for a Twilight Meeting at Clines Farm and Thursday, August 23rd for a Twilight Meeting at Turkey Knob Growers, Inc.  Registration information will be distributed as we approach these dates.

Also a reminder that the registration deadline is June 7th  for the sprayer technology workshop scheduled for Friday June 15th.  All registration is being handled through the Virginia Vineyards Association.  Please let me know if you need another copy of the registration forms.  We have been approved to offer Category 90 full recertification accreditation for private pesticide applicators attending the sprayer technology workshop.

Feel free to contact me with any questions and I hope to see you at these events.

Mark Sutphin
Associate Extension Agent
Agriculture and Natural Resources, Horticulture
Virginia Cooperative Extension
Frederick County Office
107 North Kent Street
Winchester, VA 22601
Phone – 540.665.5699
Fax – 540.722.8380
Cell – 540.398.8148

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