Category Archives: Spray Bulletin

Table of Contents for 2013 Spray Bulletin

The table of contents in the 2013 Spray Bulletin was unfortunately printed with incorrect page numbers. Dr. Chris Bergh has manually updated the 2013 Spray Bulletin Table of Contents so that you can print a copy and insert it into the Bulletin.

We have been told that there are no more printed copies of the 2013 Spray Bulletin. However, the publication can be downloaded as a free pdf by clicking on the link on the Tree Fruit Extension and Outreach website.

Update (April 15): Dr. Alan Biggs still has about 20 copies of the 2013 Spray Bulletin for sale. If you want a copy, send a check for $14 made out to “West Virginia University” along with your mailing address to Dr. Biggs. He will send you a copy via USPS.

Dr. Alan Biggs
P.O. Box 609
Kearneysville, WV  25430