Cost Share Program for Planting Hard Cider Apple Cultivars by Greg Peck

A Specialty Crop Block Grant from the Virginia Department of Agricultural and Consumer Services was awarded to the Nelson County Economic Development Office to increase the volume of hard cider apples grown in Virginia. Grant awards are for a maximum of $3,000.

Please contact Maureen Kelley, Nelson County, or 434-263-7015 if you have any questions about this program.

Click the below link to download the application form as a Word Document.


Program Timeline:

January 1 – Announce Program

January 31 – Applications Accepted

February 15 – Announce Awards

May 30 – Deadline for submitting reimbursement request

A review of the 2012 Growing Season by Drs. Peck, Bergh, Pfeiffer, and Yoder

At the annual Cumberland-Shenandoah Fruit Workers Conference in Winchester, the researchers and extension personnel from each of the attending states prepares a review of the past growing season. These reports are published in the Conference Proceedings, but we thought that a broader audience might also be interested in our assessment of the 2012 growing season. Please contact us if you have any additional thoughts or comments. Greg

Call of the States – Virginia


The 2012 growing season began with unseasonable warm temperatures in February and March, which caused fruit-tree bud break to be nearly four weeks ahead of the long-term average. The early bud break led to an early bloom, which lengthened the period when flowers and fruits were susceptible to freezes. Interestingly, trees in the northern Shenandoah Valley were blooming at the same time as trees in Central Virginia; in most years there is a two-week difference. Likewise, many apple, cherry, and peach trees had overlapping bloom. Several frosts damaged blooming fruit trees in Virginia, particularly peaches and cherries, with the most damaging frost occurring on the morning of March 27. Many king bloom in apple were also lost to the frost. But, Virginia growers were spared the colder temperatures that severely reduced the tree fruit crops in North Carolina in late March, and in New York and Michigan in late April. Cool temperatures stretched out the remainder of the bloom period. The frost and prolonged bloom made fruit thinning strategies more challenging.

The fruit producing regions of Virginia were also spared the droughts that devastated farmers in many other parts of the country. However, high winds from the June 29 Derecho storm damaged some orchards in both Central Virginia and Northern Shenandoah Valley orchards. The massive Hurricane Sandy (October 29) that caused widespread flooding in the northeast arrived after most of the Virginia apple crop was already harvested, so damage was minimal and mostly from toppled trees. The early bloom meant that tree-fruit crops were harvested 10-14 days earlier than usual, but this was not problematic since crop losses in other states meant that fruit was in high demand. The USApple crop forecast that was released in August predicted little change in the 2012 apple crop compared to the five-year average. Despite losing many king bloom in apple, fruit size was satisfactory, likely because of adequate rainfall in the latter half of the growing season. I would say that most growers were happy with the yields, quality, and prices that they received for their fruit this year.


Warm temperatures in March translated to the earliest biofix dates for oriental fruit moth (OFM) (March 20) and codling moth (CM) (April 14) recorded since 2000.  OFM and CM biofix occurred 10 and 9 days earlier, respectively, than the previous earliest in 2002 and 2008, respectively. Cooler weather in April resulted in tufted apple budmoth biofix on April 29, which tied the previous earliest record in 2000 and was only a few days earlier than average. Cool, wet weather following petal-fall resulted in a prolonged period of plum curculio movement into orchards. There were not significant issues with OFM and CM in fruit at harvest and leafroller populations remained at the very low levels seen in recent years. The overwintering population of adult brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) was smaller than in recent years, due to an unknown source of mortality late in the 2011 season. This translated to relatively low BMSB pressure early in the growing season. BMSB populations rebounded during the summer and large numbers of adults seeking overwintering sites were recorded from late September through about mid-October; the first mass movement to overwintering sites occurred on September 21. BMSB injury to peaches and nectarines at harvest was relatively light, likely due to the combined effects of more targeted sprays, lighter pressure early in the season, and an early harvest that reduced the duration of fruit exposure to some extent.  This was also noted in early and mid-season apple varieties. Late season varieties were exposed to the last generation of BMSB in September and October; injury levels in those varieties at harvest varied considerably among blocks, likely according largely to differences in management programs. In general, BMSB management programs did not incite spider mite or San Jose scale populations. However, woolly apple aphid outbreaks in August and September were more common than is typical. Following its first detection in Virginia in 2011, spotted wing drosophila posed a severe challenge to berry growers throughout the 2012 growing season.  Some caneberry plantings experienced 100% berry infestation.  Blueberries and wine grapes were also affected.


Apple scab: We had “normal” scab development in spite of the early 2012 season. Critical primary infection periods occurred Mar 19-20 and Mar 24-25 and scab lesions appeared Apr 13. This led to severe secondary (also primary) infections Apr 18-19 and 21-23. Getting proper spray coverage through several weeks in April was a challenge because of persistent windy and rainy conditions. Nine later secondary infection periods occurred in May.  Apparent widespread emergence of QoI (strobilurin) resistance presents an important problem for scab management in Frederick County.

Rusts: An unusual development with cedar rust infection was heavy infection on flower cluster leaves (from Mar 24-25) as well as the mid-shoot positions (from May 5-15). For the most part, fruit escaped quince rust infection because wetting periods were too cool for infection while the blossoms were most susceptible.

Powdery mildew: This year we had 44 dry weather “mildew infection days” between Mar 19.and May 31. Summer rains prolonged the length of shoot susceptibility with more likelihood of bud infection, overwintering, and a recurrent problem next year.

Fire blight: Although there were several opportunities for blossom blight infection from Mar 24-Apr 20, there were more numerous reports of fire blight from areas east of the Blue Ridge and the Roanoke area south where bloom was open earlier than in the Winchester area. Some pear shoot symptoms were evident in central VA as early as Apr 3, from infection in mid-March.

Summer diseases: We passed the 250-wetting hour sooty blotch/flyspeck threshold by May 25, four weeks ahead of last year, and the second earliest date for reaching this predictive threshold on record since 1994. Sooty blotch was observed in non-treated trees at our AREC June 13, and this confirmed the validity of using Apr 8 as the unusually early petal fall date and Apr 18 as the date for starting wetting hour accumulation.

Maturity Report — October 11, 2012

Today we measured the maturity of Stayman, Granny Smith, and Pink Lady grown on the AREC farm. Picking of Stayman and Granny Smith for long-term storage should be finishing up. Pink Lady’s have colored really well over the past week and can be spot picked, or in blocks that have well colored fruit, trees can be picked clean.

This will be the last maturity report for 2012. Good luck with the final stretch!

2012 Fruit Maturity Oct 11

Maturity Report — September 25, 2012

Cool weather over the region for the past week has helped space out the harvest for mid- to late-ripening apple varieties. Expect similar conditions, with a bit more rain over the upcoming week. Nonetheless, we’re still running 10 to 14 days early on the later ripening varieties.

In the Winchester area, Rome harvest is in full swing and York harvest is starting to ramp up.

Most Fuji strains are ready for harvest. This is probably the last week Fujis should be harvested for long-term storage.

Surprisingly, Granny Smith apples are ready for spot picking for long-term storage.

Stayman and Pink Lady apples are coloring very nicely, but have not yet started to develop varietal flavors.

Open this pdf to see the full dataset:

2012 Fruit Maturity Sept 25 (pdf)

Maturity Report — September 17, 2012

Harvest maturity report for Sept. 17:

2012 Fruit Maturity Sept 17 (pdf)

In general, the cool weather has greatly reduced fruit maturity over the past week. Along with today’s rain, this should give everyone a chance to catch their breadth. Other than a less than 50% chance of rain over the weekend, the next 10 days looks like excellent weather for picking. The cool nights have also further increased red color development. Overall, fruit quality seems to be very good this year.

At the AREC, Fujis, Romes, Idareds are ready for harvesting for long-term storage. Staymans and Yorks have not started to ripen on the trees yet.

Maturity Report — September 11, 2012

Here’s the latest maturity report using apples grown at the AHS Jr. AREC in Winchester or nearby:

2012 Fruit Maturity Sept 11

We’ve had adequate rainfall, which has helped overall fruit size in most orchards. Additionally, with the cooler night temperatures that we’ve been experiencing in the northern Shenandoah Valley, ripening has moderately slowed down which will allow for increased red color development.

Nonetheless, Reds, Goldens, early Fuji strains, and Empire without ReTain are ready for harvest and may be past their prime by the middle or end of next week. Many of these apples are already moving past the ideal starch readings for long-term CA storage.

Romes are probably going to be ready shortly (next week?), followed by Stayman and Idared. Additional fruit size increase will be gained for Yorks that are allowed to stay on the tree for a couple of more weeks.

Many of the blocks that we are collecting fruit from were sprayed with ReTain, so ethylene and starch readings in our reports are going to be lower than in non-sprayed blocks. As always, please check with your buyer before you harvest.

Maturity Report — September 5, 2012

The pdf linked below contains the maturity measurements through yesterday, September 5.  Samples were only taken from the Alson H. Smith, Jr. AREC and a few nearby farms in Winchester. With a small sample size, this information is only meant as a general guide as to the maturity of apples in the area. Maturity at your own orchard may be different. Additionally, the use of NAA, ReTain, and 1-MCP (SmartFresh) will affect maturity. For more information on maturity testing, please see my previous post.

Cultivars tested include:

  1. Red Delicious
  2. Golden Delicious
  3. Empire
  4. Fuji
  5. York
  6. Rome
  7. Idared
  8. Stayman

According to these data, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, and Empire can still be picked for long-term storage and for about another week for shorter term storage. Some early coloring strains of Fuji are ready for harvest. Later strains will benefit from additional time spent on the tree to develop red color and varietal flavor. Rome, Idared, and Stayman are at least one to two weeks away from harvest.

Will any fruit still be on the trees in October?!

2012 Fruit Maturity Sept 5

Maturity Report — August 30, 2012

The below linked pdf contains the fruit maturity data to date. Please note that the August 28 sampling consists only of measurements from fruit grown at the Alson H. Smith, Jr. AREC. Due to differences in location, soils, rootstocks, strains, etc. these data may not represent the fruit maturity in your own orchards.

Please see my previous post about maturity indices for more information about the different maturity measurements. And, my post on the annual end of August maturity testing to see how this year compares to previous years.

Maturity Report 8_30_12