Greetings, In view of the fact that we can’t hold in-person Extension meetings until further notice, we’d like to add a new feature to our programming to fill that gap as best we can. Starting this Tuesday, March 31, we will hold meetings each Tuesday from 12 – 1 PM via the Zoom video-conferencing software. Dr. Sherif, myself, and perhaps Drs. Yoder and Pfeiffer (as available) will provide seasonal updates, take questions, and facilitate conversation among you. Zoom has become a widely adopted way to hold video-conferences and is quite easy to use after you’ve done it once or twice. You can participate via your PC or laptop, using the link provided at the bottom of this post, or you can call in using the telephone number provided. Many laptops have a built-in camera, enabling you to see us and vice versa. Some, but not all PCs also have a camera, but others (like mine) have a camera installed as a separate device. While a camera is nice, it is not necessary. Most importantly, your PC or laptop computer should have a built-in microphone to enable conversation among us, which most do. If not, as I mentioned before, you can call in via phone. Zoom is a free download, so if you wish to join these meetings using your computer, it would be good to install that in advance. Otherwise, you will be prompted to do so when you click the “Join” link at the end of this message. Our IT person here has provided guidance (below) to help facilitate this for you. The advantage of joining via computer is that you will be able to see anything that we share on the screen, including Powerpoint slides, pictures, etc. We hope this will be a useful tool that will enable us to work together as this season progresses and that you will join us for some or all of these. There will undoubtedly be a learning curve as we make this happen, but learning new tools is never a bad thing. Again, at the bottom of this post is the link for joining this first meeting. I will also ask your Extension agents to distribute the invitation by e-mail. Stay tuned.
How Do I Join a Meeting?
- Click the join link.
- First-time Zoom users will be prompted to download the client.
- Open Zoom Meetings.
- When the host starts the meeting, follow the onscreen instructions to connect your audio.
Joining Conference Audio and Video

Chris Bergh is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 999 000 793
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Meeting ID: 999 000 793
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