Corn earworm moth catch data from sweet corn farm locations around Virginia can be found in the table below. In summary, corn earworm moth activity has dropped off this week at most locations with the exception of one of the farms in Frederick County where trap catch increased to 13 moths per night. Trap catch remained high at the Creeds location in Virginia Beach with over 20 moths per night being caught, which is high pest pressure still at that location. Moth activity is quite variable right now, and should certainly be monitored carefully in the coming weeks. We have caught very few fall armyworm moths in our traps around Virginia, which is good news. That insect can be quite devastating to late planted sweet corn. Keep an eye on brown marmorated stink bugs feeding on corn ears particularly on field edges (border rows). Fig. 2 below shows BMSB injury to sweet corn from feeding through the husk. Fig. 3 shows the same sweet corn ear after boiling in water. If more than 1 stink bug is found per 10 ears, a pyrethroid insecticide spray is recommended.