Insect Trap catch on the Eastern Shore for Week Ending Sept 18

Insect Trap Counts for the Eastern Shore for Week ending Sept 18. Moth activity picked up a little bit from the previous rainy last week. Blacklight trap counts for this week were as follows: David Long (Cape Charles) = 22 corn earworm, 5 beet armyworm, 4 fall armyworm, 1 green stink bug (very low). Blacklight trap – Mark Colson (Eastville) = 31 corn earworm, 9 beet armyworm, 6 Fall armyworm; 12 green stink bugs, 1 brown stink bugs. Blacklight trap Painter = 27 corn earworm moths, 15 beet armyworm, 15 fall armyworm, 36 green stink bugs, 3 brown stink bugs. ******************************************Corn earworm Pheromone Traps (weekly catch): Keller = 0; Tasley = 0; Modesttown = 1 (drop); New Church = 1; Horntown = 0; Eastville = 16; Machipongo = 3 (big drop); Painter = 3; Guilford = 1. Beet armyworm Pheromone traps (weekly catch): Modestown = 3; New Church = 2; Horntown = 24; Machipongo = 27; Painter = 20. Fall armyworm pheromone traps (weekly catch): Painter: 11; Newman – Eastville: 0; Hortntown: 2. ****************************************************************************************Summary, corn earworm moth activity appears to be finally dropping off on the Eastern Shore. Corn earworm, beet armyworm, and fall armyworm moths are still flying on the Eastern Shore and laying eggs on crops. Tomatoes in Painter at the ESAREC had above threshold numbers of new eggs on leaves this week. Sprays for “worm” pests are advised. Beet armyworm larval activity has also been seen in tomatoes and peppers. Stink bugs are present, but not in high numbers in late-planted soybean fields. Soybean loopers have been reported as a big pest problem in lower Northampton County. This insect pest appears to have survived the preventative pyrethroid sprays on many soybean fields, and may need some different insecticide classes to kill it, such as Steward, Tracer, Lannate, or Larvin, or Intrepid. The new Cobalt insecticide from Dow would likely also control soybean looper.

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