Author Archives: Sean Malone

Brown marmorated stink bug survey–Sep. 8, 2011 update

For the past two months, Ed Seymore and Laura Maxey have been surveying Virginia soybean fields for brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) and soybean aphid. Please click “More” to view the map showing the BMSB results to date. A field in Gloucester had low numbers of soybean aphids, but they have not been found in our other survey locations. Additional information: va-bmsb-2011-pdf

Corn earworm moth black light trap captures for the week ending August 11, 2011

Black light trap captures of corn earworm moths were generally lower than last week, with notable exceptions in Petersburg, Middlesex, and Richmond County/Warsaw. Please click “More” to see the current black light data table. Thanks to the following for their reports this week: Keith Balderson, Mary Beahm, Chris Drake, Jim Jenrette, Mark Kraemer, Watson Lawrence, David Moore, Mike Parrish, Kelvin Wells, Scott Reiter, and the Tidewater AREC entomology crew. Additional information: blacklight-table-11-pdf