Author Archives: Sean Malone

Brown marmorated stink bug black light trap catches for the week ending July 28, 2011

Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) black light trap catches for this week totaled 50 in Studley/Mechanicsville, 151 in Petersburg, 12 in Warsaw, 63 in Virginia Beach, and 3 in each of the two traps in Prince George. No BMSB were caught in Chesapeake, Painter, Southampton, Prince George, Isle of Wight, or Suffolk black light traps. Please click “More” for the data table. Additional information: bmsb-blacklight-table-11-pdf

Corn earworm moth trap captures for the week ending July 28, 2011

The flight of corn earworm moths out of corn has begun and black light trap catches are on the rise. Please click “More” to see the current black light data table. Pheromone traps in Virginia Beach captured a weekly total of 4 corn earworm moths at the Baker farm, 24 at the Henley farm, and 31 at the Hampton Roads AREC. Six were caught in the Eastern Shore AREC pheromone trap. Thanks to the following for their reports this week: Mary Beahm, Neil Clark, Mark Kraemer, Scott Reiter, Kelvin Wells, Watson Lawrence, Helene Doughty, Laura Maxey, Janet Spencer, David Moore, and the Tidewater AREC entomology crew. Additional information: blacklight-table-11-pdf

VT Tidewater AREC Pre-Harvest Field Tour–September 15, 2011

The Virginia Tech Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center (AREC) will hold its pre-harvest field crops tour the morning of Thursday, September 15th. The tour will be held at the Center’s research farm at 1045 Hare Road in Suffolk. Specialists will display field research in progress and present valuable information for the 2011 harvest season and 2012 planting season. Important topics addressed will include cotton defoliation strategies; peanut variety and maturity assessment; cover crop establishment; variety evaluation in cotton, corn and grain sorghum; and disease and insect management in cotton, peanut, and soybean, including adaptation to the pending loss of Aldicarb (Temik®) nematicide-insecticide. Virginia private pesticide applicator certification credits will be available for participants. Lunch will be served after the tour and updates presented from USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) and Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS).

Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. with the tour starting promptly at 9:00 a.m. Pre-registration by September 7th is highly encouraged by contacting Gail White at the Tidewater AREC (757-657-6450, ext. 430 or If you are a person with a disability and desire any assistive devices, services or other accommodations to participate in this activity, please contact the Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center at 757-657-6450 (TDD number is 800-828-1120) during business hours of 8 am and 4:30 pm to discuss accommodations five days prior to the event.

Brown marmorated stink bug black light trap catches for the week ending July 21, 2011

Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) black light trap catches for this week totaled 33 in Studley/Mechanicsville, 65 in Petersburg, 2 in Warsaw, 2 in Painter, and 59 in Virginia Beach. No BMSB were caught in Southampton, Prince George, or Suffolk black light traps. Please click “More” for the data table. Additional information: bmsb-blacklight-table-11-pdf

Corn earworm moth trap captures for the week ending July 21, 2011

Corn earworm moth black light trap catches remain low, with a range of 0.1 to 3.6 per night. Please click “More” to see the black light data table. In 2010, trap catch numbers began their upward climb during the last week of July. Also, Helene Doughty reported that pheromone traps in Pungo captured a weekly total of 2 corn earworm moths at the Baker farm (the Henley farm trap was damaged). Eleven corn earworm moths were captured in the Hampton Roads AREC pheromone trap in Virginia Beach, and 9 were caught in the Eastern Shore AREC pheromone trap last week. Additional information: blacklight-table-11-pdf

Brown marmorated stink bug black light trap catches for the week ending July 14, 2011

Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) black light trap catches for this week totaled 28 in Petersburg and 2 in Warsaw. No BMSB were caught in Chesapeake, Southampton, Prince George, or Suffolk black light traps. Thanks to trap operators Mark Kraemer, Mary Beahm, Watson Lawrence, Neil Clark, Scott Reiter, and the entomology crew from Suffolk for their reports. Please click “More” for the data table. Additional information: bmsb-blacklight-table-11-pdf

Corn earworm moth black light trap captures for the week ending July 14, 2011

Corn earworm moth black light trap catches were moderately low, with a range of 0.3 to 6 per night. Please click “More” to see the black light data table. The following are acknowledged for this week’s reports: Watson Lawrence (Chesapeake), Mark Kraemer (Petersburg), Mary Beahm (Warsaw), Scott Reiter (Prince George), Neil Clark (Southampton), and the entomology crew in Suffolk. Additional information: blacklight-table-11-pdf

Brown marmorated stink bug trap update for June 7, 2011

Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) black light trap catches for this week totaled 28 in Petersburg and 11 in Virginia Beach. No BMSB were caught in Isle of Wight, Southampton, Prince George, Dinwiddie, Warsaw, or Suffolk black light traps. Thanks to trap operators Mark Kraemer, Helene Doughty, Janet Spencer, Neil Clark, Scott Reiter, Mike Parrish, Mary Beahm, and the entomology crew from Suffolk for their reports. Please click “More” for the data table. Additional information: bmsb-blacklight-table-11-pdf

Corn earworm moth trap catches for the week ending July 7, 2011

Corn earworm moth black light trap catches remain low, with a range of 0 to 3 per night. Please click “More” to see the black light data table. Also, pheromone traps in Pungo captured a weekly total of 4 (Baker farm) and 6 (Henley farm) corn earworm moths; zero were captured at the Hampton Roads AREC in Virginia Beach; and 6 were caught at the Eastern Shore AREC in Painter. The following are acknowledged for this week’s reports: Helene Doughty (Virginia Beach, Pungo, Eastern Shore), Mark Kraemer (Petersburg), Mary Beahm (Warsaw), Scott Reiter (Prince George), Neil Clark (Southampton), Mike Parrish (Dinwiddie), Janet Spencer (Isle of Wight) and the entomology crew in Suffolk. Additional information: blacklight-table-11-pdf