Most reporting stations saw a large increase in corn earworm moth catches this week. Nightly averages are provided in the attached table. Additional information: blacklight-table-09-doc
Author Archives: Sean Malone
Corn earworm moth nightly black light trap captures for the week ending July 9, 2009
The average number of corn earworm moths captured this week in black light traps ranged from zero to 5 per night. Please see the attached table for more details. Additional information: blacklight-table-09-doc
Corn earworm moth black light trap captures for the week ending July 2, 2009
Corn earworm moth captures ranged from <1 to 5 moths per night. Please see the attached table for more information. Additional information: blacklight-table-09-doc
Virginia Issues Fire Ant Quarantine in 11 Localities
The following advisory is being sent on behalf of Dr. Pete Schultz, Entomologist and Director of the Virginia Tech Hampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center.
Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has issued a temporary state quarantine for 11 localities in southeastern Virginia. Details as to the locations and regulated articles are available at their website (copy and paste address into your browser):
Summary of 2009 thrips research in soybean
The attached Word document contains data tables summarizing Dr. Herbert’s 2009 thrips research in soybean. Trials are still in progress. Additional information: soybeanthrips-doc
Summary of 2009 thrips research in peanut
The attached Word document contains data tables summarizing Dr. Herbert’s 2009 thrips research in peanut. Trials are still in progress. Additional information: peanutthrips-doc
Summary of 2009 thrips research in cotton
The attached Word document contains data tables summarizing Dr. Herbert’s 2009 thrips research in cotton. Trials are still in progress. Additional information: cottonthrips-doc
Corn earworm moth black light trap captures for week ending June 18, 2009
So far, black light trap operators have reported very low numbers of corn earworm moths in their traps. Additional information: blacklight-table-09-doc
Reminder: June 4 tour at the Tidewater AREC, Suffolk, VA
This is a reminder of your invitation to the Early Summer Row Crops and Vegetables Tour at the Virginia Tech Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center in Suffolk, VA on Thursday, June 4, 2009. The tour will begin at 9:00 am at the Hare Road research farm, and lunch will be provided courtesy of Berry Lewis with Bayer CropScience. The agenda includes an introduction by Allen Harper, with field plot tours by Ames Herbert, Patrick Phipps, Jaihuai Hu, Janet Spencer, and Maria Balota. If you are a person with a disability and desire any assistive devices, services or other accommodations to participate in this activity, please contact the Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center at 757-657-6450 (TDD number is 800-828-1120) during business hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to discuss accommodations five days prior to the event.