Author Archives: Sean Malone

Insect update for Aug. 10, 2017

Black light trap captures of corn earworm/bollworm ranged from 5 to 78 moths per night this week. Brown marmorated stink bug captures ranged from zero to 2 per night. Here are the data tables: BLT_10_Aug_2017

Resistance monitoring of corn earworm/bollworm shows that this season in Suffolk, an average of 39% of moths survived the 24-hour exposure period to the pyrethroid, cypermethrin.

Insect update for Aug. 3, 2017

Black light trap catches of corn earworm (aka bollworm) moths increased at most reporting stations, ranging from 5 to 58 per night this week. The pheromone traps at Suffolk also caught about 20 moths per night. Mike Arrington reported that he was seeing cotton fields (Bt and conventional) very close to egg threshold for bollworm in Suffolk and Southampton Counties.

Brown marmorated stink bugs ranged from zero to 1.7 per night. The data tables for corn earworm and BMSB are here: BLT_3_Aug_2017

Corn earworm moth survival in the cypermethrin vial tests was 36% for the week, and 40% for the seasonal average (to date).

Insect update for July 27, 2017

Corn earworm/bollworm moth captures in the black light traps increased this week, with averages ranging from 2 to 65 moths per night. Suffolk and Hanover had high numbers. Brown marmorated stink bugs ranged from zero to 10 per night across our reporting stations (high numbers in Hanover). More details can be found in the tables here: BLT_27_Jul

Be sure to scout your fields to keep aware of your pest situation. The 2017 Virginia Cooperative Extension Field Crops Pest Management Guide contains thresholds, sampling procedures, and products/rates for soybean (pages 4-61 to 4-76), peanut (pages 4-77 to 4-86), cotton (pages 4-87 to 4-100) and other crops. There is also an online threshold calculator for corn earworm in soybean

Results (to date) from Dr. Taylor’s corn earworm survey of field corn are as follows:  Accomack= 29% infested ears; Northampton=38%; Henrico=37%; Chesapeake=19%; Dinwiddie=19%; Greensville=19%; Prince George=20%; Southampton=53%; Sussex=26%; Amelia=18%; Lancaster=4%; Northumberland=7%; Richmond County=4%; Westmoreland=6%; and Franklin County=46% infested ears.

Insect update for July 20, 2017

This week, our black light trap operators reported a range of zero to 8.5 corn earworm/bollworm moths per night and zero to 2.7 brown marmorated stink bugs per night. The tables are in this pdf file: BLT_20_Jul_2017

The corn earworm/bollworm pyrethroid resistance monitoring program is averaging about 36% moth survival. These are pheromone trap-collected moths from Suffolk, Virginia. The pyrethroid is cypermethrin at 5 micrograms per vial.

Virginia Cooperative Extension ANR Agents, Virginia Tech personnel, interns, and others have started our annual field corn survey for corn earworm/bollworm larvae. It can be an indicator of the pressure that we’ll see in other crops (e.g., soybean) when the moths emerge and fly out of corn fields. We’ll have a full report in the beginning of August (including data from many more counties), but here are the average ear infestations from those surveys already completed (based on sampling 50 ears per field, 5 fields per county): Accomack=29%; Henrico=37%; Southampton=53%; Amelia=18%; Westmoreland=6%.


Insect report for July 13, 2017

Virginia Cooperative Extension ANR Agents and Virginia Tech faculty/staff have started up their black light traps to monitor corn earworm moths (aka bollworm) and brown marmorated stink bugs for the season. CEW and BMSB catches have been low in the black light traps; however, our pheromone traps in Suffolk, VA are catching moderate numbers of CEW moths–averaging about 5 per night. We tend to pick up more CEW moths in the pheromone than in the black light traps during this time of year. Dr. Taylor’s cypermethrin vial tests are showing about 35% of CEW moths surviving the 5 microgram rate (the moths were collected from the Suffolk pheromone traps). Watson Lawrence reported 26 brown stink bugs in his Chesapeake black light trap this week.

Save the date: Virginia/Northeastern North Carolina Cotton Field Day on July 20, 2017

You are invited to attend our cotton field day at the Virginia Tech Tidewater AREC on Thursday, July 20, 2017. The tour will begin promptly at 8:00 am, ending with lunch. The location is our research farm at 1045 Hare Road, Suffolk, VA. The event is free and open to the public, but pre-registration is required–please contact Gail White by phone at 757-657-6450 extension 430, or by email at by July 10th. Private Pesticide recertification credits (cat. 90, 91) are being offered. More information will be made available in the upcoming weeks. Thank you.

Potato Late Blight in North Carolina

The following advisory is posted on behalf of Dr. Steve Rideout:

Late blight was found on potato in Camden and Pasquotank counties in North Carolina over the weekend. We will be processing the samples to determine more information on race/fungicide sensitivity. In the meantime, growers are encouraged to scout their tomato and potato fields for the disease.  Preventative fungicide applications are recommended, particularly near the outbreak area in NC.

If you have questions please let us know.  You can access current recommended materials for late blight in the commercial and homeowner vegetable production guides.  Also, you can visit the following web page for more information on this disease:

This is a serious threat to potato and tomato production in the Commonwealth.  Please let us know if we can help.