Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) update in soybean

I have attached a new map of Virginia showing the counties where we have encountered BMSBs in soybean fields. A difference from last year–many of these fields have heavy infestations on the edges. At this point, some of the growers have made edge treatments, one spray boom width, to see if this will stop the infestation. Our challenge now is to try to begin revisiting at least some of those fields to determine if this strategy has worked, and if or when infestations may recur. We now have some post treatment ratings on several insecticides and most are providing good knockdown. We were able to evaluate only a few of the products available, but may have more opportunities later in the season. To date, we are getting good control with Lannate, Vydate, Cobalt Advanced, Belay, Orthene 97, Endigo ZC, Baythroid XL, and Brigade. We will provide more details as we have time.
Additional information: va-bmsb-aug-25-2011-pdf

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