Category Archives: Field Corn

Avipel Section 18 for VA: re-certification with data

Micah Raub (VDACS) received an email recently from Mr. Howard (EPA). Mr. Howard said,…”the Avipel Section 18 is eligible for re-certification with data.” 2010 data from grower testimonials on bird injury to their corn seed and seedlings, carried the day for approval of our 2011 Section 18 for Avipel use in Virginia. This is where you come in. Attached is the same survey instrument about bird injury used on 2010 acres, with 1 difference. Its requesting data for your 2011 corn fields that suffered from bird injury. Hopefully, we will receive re-certification of our Section 18 in time for you to use it on more than 12,600 acres in Virginia.
Additional information: 2011-crop-year-docx

Handy Bt Trait Table: Midwest corn hybrids

This came across my desk the other day, and I hope you find it as useful as I have. The “Handy Bt Trait Table”, by Chris DiFonzo, Michigan State University, and Eileen Cullen, University of Wisconsin, has a great summary table for MidWest hybrids. The table lists the traits currently available (last updated Feb. 2011), insects controlled, and refuge size per trait. The table does not address refuge information for corn planted in cotton designated counties. That information can be obtained by checking with your supplier and/or reviewing the product use guide. Additional information: cornbttraittable-difonzo-and-cullen-2011-pdf