Category Archives: Soybean

Update on corn earworm and brown marmorated stink bug in the Virginia soybean crop

The corn earworm pyrethroid vial test data (see attach graph) are showing some decline in the percent surviving…which is good. But levels are still high enough to indicate possible control problems. As I said in last weeks advisory, I think high rates of pyrethroids will work well enough in soybean fields with threshold or just above numbers of worms. If we get into a situation like last year with high numbers (e.g., 15, 20, 30 or more per 15 sweeps) then ‘misses’ are much more likely and non-pyrethroids would be needed to achieve good control. In general, the non-pyrethroids will not do a good job of controlling stink bugs so if they are also present, pyrethroids, which do a good job on stink bugs, would need to be tank-mixed.

The CEW moth flight from corn seems to be a little slow in developing. Our traps are catching an average of about 60-70 per night, but elsewhere in the state counts are still pretty low. As far as we can determine, no worms have been found yet in any soybean fields in Virginia. We expect to find some in the southeastern part of the state by next week. It is a bit too early to speculate, but we may have a much easier year this year with fewer infested fields compared with previous years.

Our survey for brown marmorated stink bugs started this week and we found them in several soybean fields (Orange and Fauquier Cos.). But they were very scattered in fields and in low numbers (well below 1 per 15 sweeps). We found both adults and nymphs and in one field, egg masses. Delaware reports seeing low numbers in most soybean fields, and I suspect, as we progress with our survey, we will find the same thing. So far, these very low numbers do not represent any threat to the crop. How will this evolve? My best guess is that as populations increase and begin to move from other plant hosts, we may see larger numbers build up toward the end of the season, especially in our double-crop fields.
Additional information: cew-avt-results-aug-5-2011-pptx

Soybean insect pest update: corn earworm and stink bugs

Corn earworm moths are beginning to migrate from corn fields and levels of pyrethroid survivorship are extremely high (see other advisory posted on July 28). Corn earworm populations are always worse in dry years. But we have had some recent rains over much of Virginia so we may see some benefit from those. Corn earworm moths are already laying eggs in cotton, so likely they are also laying eggs in soybean fields. They would be attracted to flowering fields and those with younger pods. A lot of our crop is in these growth stages. I would recommend beginning to scout soybean fields by next week in the southern counties, and by the middle of the following week in middle and northern counties. How will this problem develop over the next few weeks, only time will tell?
Although stink bugs are present in some soybean fields, the numbers are still low. We are seeing a shift from primarily brown stink bugs to primarily green stink bugs, which is the norm for this time of year in Virginia. Fortunately, green stink bugs are easy to control with pyrethroids, and when browns comprise 30% or less of the total (which is the norm), we also see good control. Although brown marmorated stink bugs are being reported in some locations in Virginia, so far, none have invaded soybeans, and this is also true for Maryland. We will begin a large scale soybean monitoring effort next week (Aug 1).
What are our current recommendations for controlling soybean insects? Because of the potential for corn earworm pyrethroid resistance/tolerance, consider a non-pyrethroid insecticide option, especially if worm counts are high (more than 3 times the threshold). If stink bugs are also present in economic levels, a pyrethroid or neonicotinoid insecticide would need to be added as most of the non-pyrethroid worm control options do not provide stink bug control. Another option that has a good track record both here and in the Delta states is a tank mix of one-half pound of Orthene (Acephate) plus a high rate of pyrethroid. For reasons we don’t fully understand, this tank mix is doing a very good job in controlling corn earworms, tobacco budworms, and stink bugs.

2011 Bean Plataspid Survey…by Eric Day, VT Insect ID Lab

The bean plataspid, Megacopta cribraria, also known as the “kudzu bug” is a new pest that has established itself in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina during the past two years. Its establishment in Virginia would be of concern for soybean growers as it can be a potential pest.

In late June and Mid July of this year roadside kudzu was surveyed in 7 counties in Virginia. Sites in Mecklenburg, Halifax, Pittsylvania, Franklin, Carroll, Patrick, and Henry Counties were checked with a sweep net for the presence of bean plataspids and fortunately none were found.

These sites will be revisited throughout the summer and early fall, as early detection will help in developing potential control strategies. Its not know if it will become a pest of beans in Virginia at this time.

Submitted by Eric R. Day, July 14, 2011

Spider mites in soybean

We diagnosed a very heavy spider mite infestation on a soybean seedling sample from the Northern Neck area but are not hearing of widespread problems…yet. Although some areas got some decent amounts of rainfall over the last weekend, some areas are still pretty dry with conditions very conducive to spider mite outbreaks. If treatments are needed, Dimethoate is likely the best product choice as it has efficacy against adults and immatures, and some systemic activity. But, according to one of the suppliers with Cheminova, it is important to be certain the product is newly manufactured and has been stored properly. If the product is old or has been exposed to extreme high and low temperature fluctuations, it can be ‘denatured’ which greatly reduces its efficacy.

Brown marmorated stink bugs found in more soybean fields

We have now documented brown marmorated stink bugs in soybean fields in at least 15 counties in Virginia. My guess is that if we had more time to look, we would find them in most of the others. The numbers are still low, 1 to 4/15 sweeps, and fields are in senescence, so there is no economic threat. Prior to this year, we had not found them in soybean fields. The bigger question in my mind has to do with next season. Is this low number going to increase significantly next year? I think the probability is high given the incredibly huge populations that are aggregating on and in homes and structures, trees and shrubs over most of the northern, western, and central parts of the state. Will these huge overwintering populations move into gardens and crops next spring? Based what has been reported from other areas, it appears that the answer is ‘yes’. One area of the state that has escaped these large overwintering aggregations is the coastal plain. Although we have found a few in crops and in black light traps, I have not seen or gotten complaint calls about large aggregations from homeowners from this region of the state. If the numbers do build in this area, will cotton become the next victim? Other native stink bugs species are highly attracted to cotton bolls and are capable of doing extensive damage. Will brown marmorated stink bugs join this complex? Time will tell and we will be monitoring closely next season.

Soybean loopers finally beginning to phase out

Although there are still soybean loopers in a lot of fields, the numbers are declining. The larger worms are going into pupation and, thankfully, no new eggs are being deposited. For example, I visited several fields where last week the numbers were in the 15 to 20/15 sweep range and found only 2 or 3 larger worms remaining. Also, most of these fields were much closer to being mature enough to be in the ‘safe’ zone. I am still getting a few calls and am referring them to last week’s advisory note. One nice feature of our advisory is that it archives notes. To see last week’s note that provides guidelines for determining the need for late season looper treatment, go to and scroll down to the Sept. 9 soybean looper note.

Loopers keep coming–when will fields be safe from defoliation

Soybean looper calls are pouring in from all over the eastern half of the state. It is adding ‘insult to injury’—having to treat fields for the second, third, or even a fourth time in the most extreme cases and on top of that, many fields are so drought stressed they are struggling to stay alive.

When helping growers make the decision on whether to treat a field for loopers we have to take the time to consider several components that influence the decision: the maturity of the crop, the health of the leaf canopy, and the number of loopers present. Let’s take them one at the time. In terms of crop susceptibility, after some long discussions with soybean agronomists (David Holshouser at VT and Jim Dumphy at NCSU), we came up with a rule-of-thumb as to when fields are safe, that is, worms can be left untreated with no fear of lost yields. We suggest that fields will need to be protected as long as the pods are still green and until the lower leaves are just beginning to yellow. This should correspond, more or less, with the R6.5 stage (10 days after R6.0 = full green seed). If leaves are beginning to yellow up the stem, not from drought but from the maturity process, and there are any pods on the plant that are beginning to yellow, the field is safe, no need to treat. Next we have to determine the health of the leaf canopy, robust, average, or thin. Each can tolerate different amounts of leaf loss before reducing yield potential. Robust fields (mid chest or higher) can tolerate a lot of feeding. Average fields (upper thigh to mid chest) can tolerate normal amounts of feeding. Thin canopy fields (mid thigh or below) cannot tolerate additional leaf loss. Also in this canopy assessment, we need to take a stab at estimating the current percent defoliation. This is not an exact measure, but your best estimate looking over the entire canopy top to bottom. The ‘eyes’ tend to focus on those badly defoliated top leaves. Look beyond those and try to come up with an overall average. One thing we (and others) have noticed about soybean loopers is that their feeding is often in mid-canopy, not at the top like most other defoliators. All the more reason to inspect the entire canopy. Finally, how many loopers are present? There is not a single threshold because of all the factors we have just discussed, but a very general rule of thumb is that 15-20 or greater/15 sweeps constitutes a potential threat, depending on the maturity and canopy health. Thresholds vary quite a bit from state to state but this one falls pretty well in line with the other states’.

In considering these components, some fields will be no-brainers. Mature fields (late R6 or older) or fields with robust canopies and just a few loopers (10 or less/15 sweeps) can be left alone. On the other end of the spectrum, early R6 stage or younger fields with stressed, thin canopies and 15-20 or more loopers/15 sweeps need to be treated. This week in Virginia, there are a lot of fields in the ‘grey zone’ (plants are in the mid to late R5 to early R6 stage, the canopy is average, the looper number is in the 12-18 range, and defoliation is less than 20%). I tell folks, if they can do this, to take a close look at these fields and make a mental image of the extent of defoliation. Revisit in 2-3 days (no longer) to see if it has greatly increased. If the percent defoliation has increased and loopers are still present at or near the threshold, treat it. If the level of defoliation has not increased much and/or the looper numbers have decreased, don’t treat.

It all sounds pretty complicated and it is—but taking the time to consider these components should help determine if a field needs to be treated—some will and some won’t—and allow growers to protect at risk fields but save money on safe fields.

When will this looper flight end and what will stop it? I have been asked. I wish I knew. We need rain, badly, which will move fields to maturity and get us out of this mess.

Aphid and brown marmorated stink bug update

A couple of new things to report from our statewide soybean survey: soybean aphid has greatly exceeded the threshold (250 aphids/plant) in at least two fields in Gloucester County. Our scout has been watching this area closely for several weeks as it has been the ‘hot spot’ in the state. As of this week, the population has jumped. As the beans are still in the R4-R5 growth stage, we are recommending a pyrethroid treatment. Pyrethroids are effective in controlling this aphid species.

The scout also brought in samples of brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) nymphs collected from soybean fields in three counties, Culpeper, Augusta and Clark. These are in the upper- central and northern Virginia. The counts were low in these fields, only about 1/15 sweeps, which is not alarming, but definitely warrants watching. Reports of huge masses of BMSB are starting to come in from places like Fairfax, VA with bugs massing on trees, especially maples, and vegetables of all kinds.

Corn earworm moths still flying in large numbers

Earworm moths are still flying. Trap catches are high in many areas, and windshields are spattered. One fellow commented that the other night coming home from a meeting, he had to stop twice to clean the moth gunk off his windshield. One observation, and I hope this holds, is that in the past this late season moth flight did not result in new worm infestations. A lot of insect behavior is relegated by environmental cues. Days are definitely getting shorter. Is this reduced photoperiod (shorter day length) causing moths not to lay as many eggs? Not sure, but for whatever reason, in my experience it has been rare to see worm infestations initiate in September. We are hearing of many fields with a few earworms, maybe left over from the earlier flight, but none with the huge numbers we had a few weeks ago. Let’s hope we are finally seeing the end of this pest, for this season at least.

Looper infestations over most of the state

Soybean loopers are now being reported in soybean fields across much of the eastern side of the state. In past years they were mostly confined to southeastern counties. This infestation has broken all the records in terms of intensity (as many as 100+/15 sweeps in some fields) and geography (now being reported from Middle Peninsula and Northern Neck counties). This must be due to the persistent hot, dry weather, and the high percentage of fields previously treated with insecticides.

Loopers are easy to identify but there is some confusion about their color. Soybean loopers have both a ‘green’ and a ‘black’ color phase (see the attached image). We are seeing both color phases in our samples. There may be some cabbage loopers (a completely different species) mixed in, but we have not verified this. There are no exact thresholds for loopers in soybean so treatment should be based on the amount of leaf feeding in relation to the size of the total canopy. But, a very loose rule of thumb could be that 20 or more per 15 sweep net sweeps may constitute a threat. Fewer than that, especially in tall, full canopy fields probably does not constitute a threat. Some fields are getting close to maturity with pods and leaves beginning to yellow. Loopers are not a threat to those fields. Pyrethroids should not be figured into a looper treatment decision. They are less than effective. If stink bugs are present in looper infested fields, I would consider adding Orthene to the looper insecticide. Orthene will provide good control of both green and brown stink bugs where the pyrethroid would miss some of the browns. Oddly, we are seeing more brown stink bugs in some fields than greens, which is opposite of what we are used to seeing.

We have initiated 5 different field trials to evaluate the effectiveness of many different insecticides/rates for loopers. Results will be presented at our annual Pre-Harvest Field Tour scheduled for Sept. 14.
Additional information: soybean-looper-color-phases-herbert-2010-ppt