Category Archives: Field Days and Events

Invitation to the Virginia Tech Tidewater AREC’s Pre-Harvest Field Crops Tour

Please click on the pdf document below (Fall tour 2014) to view details for the September 11, 2014 “Pre-Harvest Field Crops Tour” at the Virginia Tech Tidewater AREC’s Hare Road Research Farm.  Pre-registration instructions, times, and topics are detailed in this document.


If you are a person with a disability and desire any assistive devices, services or other accommodations to participate in this activity, please contact the Tidewater AREC at 757-657-6450* during business hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to discuss accommodations 5 days prior to the event.  *TDD number is (800) 828-1120.