Very low numbers of corn earworm moths were reported by our network of black light trap operators this week. Nightly averages ranged from 0.3 to 1.0 moths. Here are this week’s numbers (trap operators listed in parentheses):
Greensville (Sara Rutherford): 0.7 per night
Hanover (Laura Maxey-Nay): 0.9 per night
Prince George-Templeton (Scott Reiter): 0.8 per night
Prince George-Disputanta (Scott Reiter): 0.5 per night
Richmond County-Warsaw (Mary Beahm): 0.3 per night
Southampton (Josh Holland): 0.3 per night
Suffolk (Sally Taylor and crew): 1.0 per night
Here is a pdf of the data table: BLT_18_Jul_2019
We will be conducting vial tests to monitor insecticide resistance in corn earworm/bollworm again this year, but so far we have only captured and tested a handful of moths.