Insect Trap Counts for Eastern Shore – Week ending Aug 21.

As mentioned previously, trap catches of 7 or more moths per week indicate the need for intensive scouting of crops for the pests. The Blacklight trap counts for this week were as follows: David Long (Cape Charles) = 90 corn earworm (increase), 8 beet armyworm (small rise), 10 fall armyworm (rise), 1 brown stink bugs, 2 green stink bugs (very low). Blacklight trap – Mark Colson (Eastville) = 129 corn earworm (increase), 8 beet armyworm (small rise), 2 Fall armyworn (small rise); 27 green stink bugs, 17 brown stink bugs (drop). Blacklight trap Painter = 17 corn earworm moths (mod. low), 67 green stink bugs (drop), 11 brown stink bugs (drop). Corn earworm Pheromone Traps (weekly catch): Keller = 1; Tasley = 3; Modesttown = 1; New Church = 0; Horntown = 17; Eastville = 128 (high); Machipongo = 104 (high); Painter = 20; Guilford = 1. Beet armyworm Pheromone traps (weekly catch): Modestown = 5 New Church = 3; Horntown = 5; Machipongo = 157; Painter = 6. Fall armyworm pheromone traps (weekly catch): Painter: 1; Newman – Eastville: 26; Hortntown: 8 ****************************************************************************************Summary, corn earworm flights appear to have leveled out, but remain high for Northampton County (Machipongo & Eastville). As mentioned previously, trap catches of 7 or more moths per week indicate the need for intensive scouting of crops for the pests. This insect can damage numerous crops in late summer including sweet corn, tomatoes, cotton, soybeans, green beans, lima beans, and others. Beet armyworm activity remains high in the Machipongo location. Stink bug catch in general appears to have dropped off, but there is still some adult movement from crop to crop. It is advised to scout fruiting vegetables and soybeans for these pests into Septemeber. There are moderate levels of soybean aphids in some soybeans on the Eastern Shore. These insects can build up to extremely high numbers on soybean leaves and stems. Heavy infestations can cause yield loss. Most pyrethroid insecticides will control them, but growers should first inspect fields with a sweep net for other pests such as corn earworm, stink bugs, grasshoppers, and other caterpillar pests so that multiple insecticide sprays are not necessary.

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