Invitation to the Virginia Cotton Growers Association Annual Field Day on August 16, 2024

Location: Virginia Tech Tidewater AREC Research Farm (1045 Hare Road, Suffolk, VA). This event is free and open to the public. Registration begins at 7:30 am with tours starting at 8:00 am. Lunch will be provided, followed by a Peanut Agronomy Tour in the afternoon. Here is the Tour Program.

If you are a person with a disability and desire any assistive devices, services, or other accommodations to participate in this activity, please contact Matthew Chappell, Tidewater AREC Director at (757) 807-6537/TDD 800-828-1120 during business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to discuss accommodations five days prior to the event.