Peanut insect pest update, potato leafhoppers on the move

It is worth noting that potato leafhoppers are active in some peanut fields. In some of our plots, especially those that were not treated with in-furrow insecticides for thrips, we are approaching threshold levels of damage. Our recommendation is to treat fields if 20-25% of leaves show typical hopper burn leaf damage symptoms (the yellow V-shaped pattern on the leaflet tips) and hoppers are still present in the field. It is important to determine if leafhoppers are still present because we have found that they typically migrate into and back out of peanut fields throughout the season, and may not actually be present even when leaf damage symptoms are obvious. Mid July is a fairly common time to begin seeing thresholds, if they are going to occur. We recommend checking fields just prior to making other sprays (example, leafspot) so insecticides can be tank mixed if a threshold for leafhoppers is detected. Several pyrethroid insecticides are listed for potato leafhopper control. Also, Lorsban 15G will provide some control, if applied for soil insect control.

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