Spider mite threat to peanut is high

With the dry weather, spider mites are already showing up in many crops and weedy field edges. Once established, mites are tough to control in peanuts. One of the most risky options is the application of Lorsban 15G under dry conditions. Lorsban can contribute to mite flares in peanuts and it is our experience that Lorsban flared mite populations are especially hard to get under control. Lorsban may be needed for rootworm control at some point in the season, but if fields remain dry, rootworms will not survive in the soil and will not be a threat. Lorsban would be safe if the crop is under irrigation, otherwise, I would recommend holding off for another week or so to see what the weather is going to do. There will still be time to apply Lorsban (through July) if the weather turns and we start getting consistent rains. We are also beginning to see some potato leafhopper damage in peanuts. Lorsban will provide good leafhopper control for a few weeks, but the risk of flaring mites offsets that advantage. A better option would be to apply Danitol at the 6 oz/acre rate which will control leafhoppers, and will suppress the mite population.

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