Thrips in cotton, peanut and soybean

Thrips populations are still increasing. But, in cotton, the treatments seem to be holding, and cotton is growing. The recent rains in many areas may allow cotton to grow through the problem. We are finding a lot of thrips in soybean, and we hear that many growers are treating for them. But even with the leaf ‘silvering’ and ‘crinkling’, we have never shown a yield advantage from treating soybeans for thrips. Treatments will certainly green them up, but is that worth the cost, with no added yield advantage? In peanuts, we are expecting damage to get quite a bit worse in the next week. We are still finding more adults than immatures in our peanut leaflet samples. These adults will beget a lot of immatures. Peanuts should be scouted next week at the latest.

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