The Peanut-Cotton Infonet has moved


The Virginia Tech Tidewater AREC (TAREC) maintains the Peanut-Cotton Infonet which provides growers in the region with daily weather data (e.g. temperature, rainfall), peanut leaf spot and Sclerotinia advisories, peanut heat units, cotton degree days, and a frost advisory. Four weather stations located in Suffolk, Capron, Skippers, and Waverly are maintained by the TAREC Plant Pathology program. These weather stations transmit data to a computer at the Tidewater AREC, and the data is used to run fungicide advisory models. Data are available on the Virginia Peanut-Cotton Infonet website (

The data and information available here include:

Maximum, minimum, and average air temperatures
Average soil temperature at a 4 inch depth
Daily and accumulated (from May 1) peanut heat units
Daily and accumulated (from May 1) cotton degree-days
Daily and total seasonal (from May 1) rainfall
Last effective spray date for peanut leaf spot
Sclerotinia blight risk
Frost advisory (from September 25th to completion of harvest)