Neonicotinoid choices for plant bug control in cotton

There are three neonicotinoid insecticides labeled for plant bug control in cotton. The attached table presents the rates (oz and lb ai/acre). The low and high rates of all products are essentially equal in terms of the amount of active ingredient applied per acre. Although all are neonicotinoides, each of the products is a different compound so activity against plant bug (and stink bug) may differ (Centric contains thimethoxam; Trimax Pro contains imidacloprid, and Belay contains clothianidin). We are in the process of comparing these three for effectiveness in controlling plant bugs in cotton. We will share the results soon. We do have some stink bug control data in both soybeans and cotton, but will wait for another week or so before posting that information.

Additional information: neonicotinoid-insecticide-options-jul-1-2010-v2003-doc

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