Cotton thrips update–still ugly

We call this ‘Thrips Season’ for a good reason. Although we seem to be coming down from last weeks peak numbers of immatures (about 120-150 per 5 plant sample), we are still getting about 35-40 per 5 plants. The insecticide seed treatments, regardless of source, which were providing decent levels of control last week have broken and now have immature counts as high as or higher than untreated controls. We did not apply any additional foliar sprays to these seed treatments as we wanted to evaluate what levels of control they provide, but we recommend that growers do…and suggested that last week was the right week to pull that trigger. With this kind of heavy thrips pressure, no products are perfect and few are really good to excellent. There are a couple of pretty decent treatments but we will share more details at our tour next week (June 5, 9 am EST till noon), and more at winter meetings. We plan to take these trials to yield…data that tell you what worked and how well.

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