Black light trap catches for the week ending August 7, 2014

Corn earworm moth catches increased at nearly all stations this week, with means ranging from less than one to 29 moths per night. Brown marmorated stink bug mean captures ranged from zero to 19 per night, with Charles City and Petersburg at the high end. Please click on the link beneath this paragraph that says “BLT_7_Aug_2014” to see the Tables for detailed captures of these two pests. A couple of reports came in shortly after the Tables were posted–the Essex location had 0.6 corn earworm moths per night and no BMSB; the Chesapeake black light trap caught one corn earworm moth over two nights of trapping.  Thanks to the following for their reports this week: Scott Reiter, Mary Beahm, Helene Doughty, Kelvin Wells, Chris Drake, John Allison, Janet Spencer, Mark Kraemer, Dorothy Baker, David Moore, Keith Balderson, Watson Lawrence, and Ames Herbert and his entomology team.
