Black light trap counts for the week ending July 17, 2014

Low numbers of corn earworm in black light traps this week (July 11-17). Nightly averages were: Southampton=0.5; Petersburg=0.4; Prince George-Templeton=0.3; Prince George-Disputanta=zero; Warsaw=0.4; Isle of Wight=zero; Suffolk=zero. We had some high brown marmorated stink bug catches in Petersburg’s black light trap (average of 6.6 BMSB per night). Other locations had either zero BMSB (Southampton, Prince George, Isle of Wight, and Suffolk) or 0.1 BMSB per night (Warsaw). Thanks to the following for their report: Chris Drake (Southampton), Mark Kraemer (Petersburg), Scott Reiter (Prince George), Mary Beahm (Warsaw), Janet Spencer (Isle of Wight), and Ames Herbert and crew (Suffolk).