Category Archives: Cotton

26th Annual Eastern Shore of Virginia Ag Conference & Trade Show

The Eastern Shore of Virginia Ag Conference & Trade Show is on! We are snow free, and looking forward to a great event on January 26 and 27, 2016. The event will take place at the Eastern Shore Community College Workforce Development Center in Melfa, VA. The full program can be found at: We have been approved for Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) CEU credits (details at:, Virginia Nutrient Management Credit (1 credit), and Virginia Pesticide Recertification credits (information in the program). See you there! Directions can be found at:

Bollworm treatments may be needed in Virginia cotton

As of last week, we found bollworm eggs in cotton fields in numbers high enough to indicate that fields may need to be treated. The bollworm (= corn earworm) moth flight from corn is light and spotty, but it does not take many moths to cause concern in cotton.

In the old days before Bt cotton, we relied on the two spray system to control bollworms—the first spray applied at egg threshold followed by an automatic second spray 5 to 7 days later. This system worked very well to protect cotton from economic levels of boll damage.

With the advent of Bt cotton varieties (now TwinLink, BG2 and WideStrike) we found that even with these technologies, there were enough worm escapes (worms not killed by feeding on the plant toxins) to warrant a single insecticide spray. And—we determined that the best time for that single worm spray coincided with the second of the original two spray system—i.e., 5 to 7 days after the egg threshold.

Egg thresholds were found towards the end of last week in fields near the Tidewater AREC. The same is likely happening in fields across the region. So now is the time for applying a bollworm treatment. Based on our history of bollworm resistance to pyrethroids, the best control results will be obtained using a non-pyrethroid (e.g., Steward, Belt, Prevathon, Blackhawk). But we also recommend adding a pyrethroid to clean up any stink bugs that may be in the cotton. There are several pyrethroid options, and I would use the highest labelled rate for stink bugs—better kill and longer residual. Besiege is the only product that contains both the non-pyrethroid (= Prevathon) with a pyrethroid (= Karate). With all the other non-pyrethroids, you will have to do the tank mixing on the farm. And, it is past time to include any of the insecticides from the neonicotinoid class as they do not provide good control of either bollworms or stink bugs.

Black flag seen in some Virginia cotton fields

As you may have heard, reports out of northeastern North Carolina are talking about infestations of plant bugs (Lygus) causing a symptom called “black flag” by feeding on presquare cotton.  This is very rare in US cotton.  This symptom is termed “black flag” due to the death and blackened appearance of the expanding terminal leaves.  The danger is creating “crazy cotton”, which is loss of apical dominance, causing multiple terminals per plant, delayed squaring, or yield loss.  Terminals can be destroyed from only 20 minutes of feeding.

But it is important to remember that given good conditions, cotton can recover later in the season without yield loss.  We did research earlier in Virginia that showed that even this far north, cotton can easily compensate from removal of squares—even up to 20 percent—so this black flag injury may not be as big a threat as you may be thinking it is.

The plant bugs that are causing this problem are from a generation that developed on weeds and is moving through the system.  It is important to keep in mind that plant bug infestations are very erratic. Some fields may be infested, or even some areas within a field—but not every field. We and others have checked a lot of cotton fields in Virginia and are finding just a few with very limited amounts of black flag.

We don’t want to overreact to this and spray all of our cotton just because we have seen this problem in a few plants in one area. If you do see these symptoms you should use a sweep net to see if plant bugs are still present (see recommendations below). Overreacting could certainly help flair other problems as well as waste money if plant bugs are not present at damaging levels.

Management on presquare cotton (borrowed from NCSU)

1.  Use a sweep net to make 25 sweep samples and count the adults.  Realize that bug numbers will be higher in field edges, so move around.  A sample of 25 sweeps per location (one set of 25 “swooshes”) should be adequate.

2.  Where you sweep, look for black flag, wilted leaves, or injured terminals.  If you see this injury, and have plant bugs present, spray if the number of injured terminals is greater than 1 plant in 10 feet of row (borrowed from Mississippi State).  If you do decide to spray, use a neonicotinoid at the highest labeled rate at this point in the season.  They tend to be less effective as the season goes on, but should do the trick, while preserving some beneficials.  Examples include Admire Pro, Belay and Centric. DO NOT use an organophosphate or pyrethroid this early in the season.  These will kill the beneficials and could help flare spider mites and/or aphids. We are seeing some of both in a few fields so the risk of flaring these pests is pretty high—and would be very costly.

3.  Monitor the situation after the spray.  A visit and sweeping 24 hours following the spray should give you a good idea of knockdown.  Since you’ve swept and know the plant bug numbers prespray, another good visit would be 4-5 days later.  See if plant bugs have migrated in again and if the terminal injury is holding steady or increasing.

4.  Once the plants start squaring, you need to use a threshold that incorporates plant bug numbers with square retention measurements.  You can find scouting recommendations and the threshold for squaring cotton in the Virginia Cotton Production Guide,

The Virginia Peanut-Cotton Infonet has moved (back)


The Virginia Tech Tidewater AREC (TAREC) maintains the Peanut-Cotton Infonet which provides growers in the region with daily weather data (e.g. temperature, rainfall), peanut leaf spot and Sclerotinia advisories, peanut heat units, cotton degree days, and a frost advisory. Four weather stations located in Suffolk, Capron, Skippers, and Waverly are maintained by the TAREC Plant Pathology program. These weather stations transmit data to a computer at the Tidewater AREC, and the data is used to run fungicide advisory models. Data are available on the Virginia Peanut-Cotton Infonet website (

The data and information available here include:

Maximum, minimum, and average air temperatures
Average soil temperature at a 4 inch depth
Daily and accumulated (from May 1) peanut heat units
Daily and accumulated (from May 1) cotton degree-days
Daily and total seasonal (from May 1) rainfall
Last effective spray date for peanut leaf spot
Sclerotinia blight risk
Frost advisory (from September 25th to completion of harvest)

In addition to the data provided on the Infonet, current information on peanut diseases in the region and disease management recommendations will be provided here on this blog, so be sure to check back for updates.

Virginia Peanut-Cotton Infonet Update

The Virginia Tech Tidewater AREC (TAREC) maintains the Peanut-Cotton Infonet website ( which provides growers in southeast Virginia with daily weather data (e.g. air and soil temperatures, rainfall, relative humidity), peanut leaf spot and Sclerotinia advisories, peanut heat units, cotton degree days, and a frost advisory. Four weather stations located in Suffolk, Capron, Skippers, and Waverly are maintained by the TAREC Plant Pathology program. Thanks to funding from the Virginia Peanut and Cotton Boards, we have been able to upgrade our equipment which should improve the overall reliability and consistency of data transfer from our weather stations. The new equipment has been installed and we are receiving data, but we are temporarily unable to post the data to the Infonet website. This technical issue should be resolved by next week, but in the meantime daily weather data will be sent out as an email to extension agents and posted to the Virginia Ag Pest Advisory Blog. We apologize for the inconvenience, and we are working hard to get the Peanut-Cotton Infonet website up and running for the season. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to call the TAREC Plant Pathology lab at (757) 657-6450 ext. 428 or email Dr. Hillary Mehl (

Please find below the current weather data for Suffolk, Capron, and Skippers. The Waverly data will be available shortly.

SE VA Weather Data 5-1-15