Category Archives: Field Days and Events

Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School Registration

The program for the 2015 Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School (MACMS) has now been set and the online registration website is now active. Everyone is welcome to attend! Virginia nutrient management credits and Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) credits will be offered. Local and regional farmers, independent consultants, certified crop advisers, nutrient management consultants, and agency and university professionals will join together to learn the latest on a wide range of topics from local, regional, and national speakers.

The Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School (MACMS) will be held from Nov. 17 to Nov. 19, 2015 at the Princess Royale in Ocean City Maryland. Some of the notable speakers include Dr. Bob Nielsen (Mr. King Corn) from Purdue University, Dr. Dewey Lee from the University of Georgia, Dr. David Langston from Virginia Tech, Dr. Randy Taylor from Oklahoma State University, Dr. Gordon Johnson from University of Delaware, Dr. Jarrod Miller from University of Maryland Extension, Mr. Mark Dubin from University of Maryland Extension and U.S. EPA Chesapeake Bay Program Office, Dr. Scott Bretthauer from the University of Illinois, and many others.

Register for MACMS online at: If you prefer a pdf version of the MACMS brochure, please email Richard Taylor at

Sessions on pest management, crop management, soil and water management, fertility management and some interactive sessions will be offered. Certified Crop Adviser (CCA), Nutrient Management, and Pesticide credits are available. Continuing education credits are available from a number of states in the region including Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. There are 43 different talks to choose from over the 2.5 day school. Some of the topics that will be covered are:

Effects of Stress on Corn Early in the Season

High Yield Soybeans: Is There a Recipe? A Roundtable Discussion

Row Crop Planters – Wider, Faster, or Both

A Path to Higher Yields: Part ll. Reducing Stress through Plant Health and Management

Lime Rate and Its Relationship to Fertility and Soil Type

Nitrogen Release from Non-chemical Fertilizers

The Intersection of Cover Crops and Weed Control

Future Technologies for Herbicide Resistance Weed Management

Understanding and Identifying Stalk Rots in Corn

Fumigant Control of Nematodes in Vegetables

Pest Management Trivia Challenge

Delaware’s Cropland Transect Survey – We’re Looking for Residue, Have You Seen Any?

Soil Health Principles and Manure Incorporation

Water Quality Trading in the Chesapeake Bay

Drainage Basics and Drainage Water Management

Forage and Field Crop Identification Hands-On Workshop

Evaluating Quality in Fruits and Vegetables Hands-On Workshop

Produce Food Safety Hands-On Workshop

Using Crop, Soils, Pest, and other Ag Apps on Your Tablet or Mobile Phone Hands-On Workshop

If you have questions, please contact us.

Dr. Richard W. Taylor
Extension Specialist—Agronomy
Dr. Amy Shober
Extension Specialist—Nutrient Management
University of Delaware
Email: and

Tidewater AREC Pre-Harvest Field Crops Tour – Sept 17

Thursday, September 17, 2015 – 8:00 a.m.
Tidewater AREC Research Farm, 1045 Hare Rd., Suffolk, VA 23437

Registration begins at 7:30 a.m.

Soybean Harvest8:00 & 10:00 Integrated Disease Management for Peanut and Cotton – Dr. H. Mehl and Dr. Joseph Opoku
8:30 & 10:30 Monitoring and Thresholds for Managing Pests and Protecting Non-Target Species in Soybean & Cotton – Dr. A. Herbert
9:00 & 11:00 Potassium Fertility in Cotton – Dr. H. Frame
9:30 & 11:30 Potassium for Soybean – Ms. A. Stewart & Dr. D. Holshouser


8:00 & 10:00 Sorghum OVT Fertility and Disease – Dr. J. Oakes and Mr. B. Acharya
8:30 & 10:30 Mid-Atlantic Double-Cropping Initiative – Dr. D. Holshouser
9:00 & 11:00 New Fungicide Decision Aid for Soybean – Dr. H. Mehl and Mr. Tian Zhou
9:30 & 11:30 PVQE Updates and UAV Peanut Drought Research – Dr. M. Balota and Dr. Joseph Oakes

12:00 noon Nozzle Technology Dr. M. Flessner

CERTIFIED CROP ADVISERS – The field day has been approved for the following CEUs:
Nutrient Management: 1.5
Integrated Pest Management: 2
Crop Management: 1

Also during tour:
Industry & Educational exhibits
Updates from FSA and NRCS
Private and Commercial Pesticide recertifications

Immediately following the field tour, participants are invited to stay for lunch provided by The Filling Station of Robersonville, N.C. This year’s menu will include fish, shrimp, fried chicken and all the fixings.

Pre-registration is required for the tour/lunch.
Please contact Pam Worrell at 757-657-6450, ext. 401
or e-mail by September 4th.

The Virginia Soybean Field Day is this Thursday

Thursday August 20, 2015

Eastern Virginia Agricultural Research & Extension Center
2229 Menokin Road
Warsaw, VA 22572
(804) 333-3485

Sponsored by
Virginia Soybean Association
Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station
Virginia Cooperative Extension

Join us to see the latest research on soybean varieties, disease and weed management, IPM and sorghum varieties. Experts will also demonstrate no-till drill maintenance and update you on the mid-Atlantic double crop initiative. Registration begins at 8:00 am and field tours begin at 8:50 am. The program will end at noon with a delicious meal by Nixon Catering.

Topics include:
– Soybean Disease Management – Dr. Hillary Mehl
– Soybean Weed Management – Dr. Mike Flessner
– Soybean Insect IPM – Mr. Mike Parish and Drs. Sean Malone and Ames Herbert
– No-Till Drill Maintenance – Mr. Keith Burgess
– Grain Sorghum Management – Dr. Joseph Oakes
– Roundup-Ready Public Soybean Varieties – Dr. Bo Zhang
– Mid-Atlantic Double-Crop Soybean Initiative – Dr. David Holshouser

We hope to see you there!

2015 Virginia Barley Yield Contest now OPEN!

2015 Virginia Barley Yield Contest now OPEN!

The 2015 Virginia Barley Yield Contest is open for entries.  The contest is conducted by the Virginia Grain Producers Association and Virginia Cooperative Extension.  Prizes are sponsored by the Virginia Crop Improvement Association.  All entrants must be members of the Virginia Grain Producers Association.

Contest rules and entry form can be found here:


Reminder: Virginia Tech Tidewater AREC “Early Summer Row Crops Tour” to be held on June 4, 2015

Please click on the attached pdf document at the end of this paragraph to see the tri-fold brochure listing details for the  “Early Summer Row Crops Tour” to be held at the Virginia Tech Tidewater AREC Hare Road Research Farm on the morning of June 4, 2015.  All interested in commercial production of field crops are invited to attend. There is no preregistration and no fee for attending this tour. Arrival is at 8:30 am with the program starting promptly at 9:00 am and running through lunch (courtesy of Berry Lewis with Bayer CropScience). More information is available through local Virginia Cooperative Extension offices or by contacting the Tidewater AREC main office at 757-657-6450. If you are a person with a disability and desire any assistive devices, services or other accommodations to participate in this activity, please contact Tidewater AREC at 757-657-6450 (TDD number is 800-828-1120) during business hours of 8:00 am and 4:30 pm to discuss accommodations five days prior to the event. brochure_2015

VA State Peanut Meeting

The State Peanut Meeting this year is scheduled for Feb 2nd at the Airfield 4-H Center in Wakefield, VA. The address is: 15189 Airfield Road, Wakefield, VA 23888. The meeting starts at 9:00 AM and ends after lunch with the VA Peanut Growers Business meeting. Kelvin Wells, Sussex County Extension Agent has the details. See you there!