Category Archives: Disease

Late Blight found on potato in Camden, NC

Late blight was found on a commercial potato field in Camden Co., NC this week. Confirmation was made today by Dr. Pat Phipps at the TAREC based upon samples from this field. This outbreak is close enough to be considered a threat to the SE Virginia and the Eastern Shore of Virginia. We will have more information in our potato report tomorrow, but, based upon this news growers should consider treating their potato and tomato fields with a preventative fungicide such as chlorothalonil. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

Luna Tranquility now Labeled for use in Virginia on Potato

Luna Tranquility is a new fungicide from Bayer CropScience and has just received approval for use in Virginia. On the vegetable front, Luna Experience is only labeled on potato currently for control of early blight primarily. Luna Tranquility is also labeled for use on apples. Please let us know if you have any specific questions. The label can be found at the attached link. Additional information: lunatran-pdf

Luna Experience labeled for use on Watermelon in Virginia

Luna Experience is a new fungicide from Bayer CropScience and has just received approval for use in Virginia. On the vegetable front, Luna Experience is only labeled on watermelon currently for control of gummy stem blight, powdery mildew and others. Luna Experience is also labeled for use on grapes and select tree nut crops. Please let us know if you have any specific questions. The label can be found at the attached link. Additional information: lunaexperience-pdf

Fontelis Fungicide now Labeled for Use in Virginia

Fontelis, a new fungicide from DuPont, is now received state registration and will be available for use on a number of vegetable and field crops in 2012. The label is attached and should you have any specific questions please let us know as we have had tested this material for several years. Thanks, Steve ( Additional information: fontelislabel-pdf